
How To Choose The Perfect Exercise Apparel For Your Body Type

How To Choose The Perfect Exercise Apparel For Your Body Type

You might not think that your body type matters much when it comes to choosing activewear. After all, it’s stretchy, right? Certainly exercise apparel is bound to be a bit more forgiving than denim jeans or suiting material meant for tailored slacks and blazers. But the way it fits your body and moves with you has a lot to do with both your body type and the garments themselves. And the last thing you want when you’re working out is clothing that feels restrictive or alternately, that rides up and slides down mid-exercise. In other words, you want garments that are going to offer the comfort and flexibility that makes you forget you’re wearing them. This begins by selecting the right activewear for your body type, and there are a few factors to consider.

The easiest place to start, in truth, is by determining the activities you need exercise apparel for. You might be okay with generic pants, shorts, and tops, so long as they have a fair amount of stretch and the wick-away fabric that helps to keep you dry, comfortable, and free from chafing. But if you’re going to be running, cycling, doing yoga, lifting weights, or other specific exercises, it might be best to seek out garments specifically designed for the activity you’re interested in. This will give you a place to start your shopping and from there you can think about fit.

Next you probably want to consider options within your category. For example, joggers could choose between fitted pants and loose shorts. Which is right for your body type? If your thighs rub together and chafe when you run, pants might be the better option. On the other hand, your body may overheat easily, in which case an airy pair of shorts could be preferable. It is important to note that modern textiles often deliver desirable features that wick-away moisture and minimize heat. So if you’d like running pants but you’re worried about being too warm, there is likely a workable solution.

You also need to think about how garments fit and the kind of support they offer. Those running shorts won’t hold anything in place, whereas many running pants offer some level of compression. And when it comes to sports bras, you need to look for the level of support that’s right for both your activities and your body. If you have a large bust, a bra that offers maximum support is probably your best option, especially for high-impact exercise.

The main thing to do when selecting workout clothes, however, is to try them on. If a size feels too restrictive or too loose, try another size. Finding the right fit is more important than the number on the tag. And don’t forget to move around. Run, jump, and stretch to make sure you’re comfortable and that everything is staying in place. When you get custom workout tees from Broken Arrow, you can trust the size on the label. But if you’re looking for fitted activewear that’s perfect for your body type, try before your buy.