How To Choose Bibles For Personal Study and Presentation?

Bible is one of the first books which were printed soon after the invention of the printing machine. The Holy Book which contains the word of God is the most read and distributed book in the world. Even though the earliest scriptures were available in Hebrew and Greek languages, they were translated into English and many popular languages. The Bible contents 66 books which are spread into Old Testament and New Testament. Bibles are personalized so that they can be accessed and read very easily at various instances in life.
When you go for personalized Bibles, it is possible to grasp the meaning of the ‘Word of God’ in a better way. When you read the Bible, you will be able to understand about God, the creator and sustainer. As you read the Bible, you will go through the world history, justice, purpose of the creation, kingdoms, kings, life, source of life, humanity, Jesus Christ, Cross, destiny in life and many other topics. The book contains songs, poems, miracles and mighty things which are done by the great Jehovah God.
You will go through various revelations and find that the Bible which was written many years ago has relevance to today’s life as well. It contains the past, present and future of men. By going for personalized versions, you can understand the word in an efficient manner. The concepts written in the Bible can be understood in a better way. For example, if you would like to present a Bible to your kids, you can go for kids’ versions which can be easily understood by them. The Bible comes with colorful pictures and depictions so that it will be grasped by young minds very easily.
Personalized Bibles can be presented to different kinds of people on various occasions. The life changing messages contained in the Bible will be written in simple language. There will be foot notes and cross reference in some versions so that the Bible can be understood in its entirety. If you would like to study a particular theme, you should want to go through the references.
There are Bibles designed to present different kinds of professionals. If you are travelling, you will want to go for a compact version. There are Bibles that are meant for distribution. The New Testament plus Psalms & Proverbs is printed as a single book and it is widely distributed throughout the world in different languages. There are Bibles which come with red letters. The words which were spoken by Jesus (when He was on earth as Son of man) were included in red letters. This enables you to easily identify the words and they do have special significance in reader’s life.
There are digital versions of bibles. The audio versions are more common now-a-days as you will be able to hear the word very easily. The impact that you will get through hearing is unique. You can close your eyes and listen to the Bible and the word of God can be meditated without being disturbed by others. The Bibles are available in different versions including KJV, ESV, NAB, NASB and NIV. You can order children’s Bibles, CDs, DVDs, software and other personalized formats so that you can read and meditate the word of God very easily.
Some of the personalized titles include Noah’s Ark Bible, Kids New Testament, Kid’s study Bible, One Hundred Bible stories, The Super Heroes Bible and Cambridge Book of Common Prayer Desk Edition. As Philippians 4th Chapter and 8th Verse quotes, you should focus on the true, noble, right, pure, lovely and admirable things so that your life will be completely transformed.