
How Therapies Can Help Prevent Divorce

There are different types of counselling models with different theories of human development. Each model has its own style of work. It depends upon the experience of the practitioner whether he or she could implement “Eclectic” approach – drawing elements from different models; or “integrative” counselling – blend of at least two specific types. The most obvious difference among the types of counselling used depends upon counsellor’s technique. If the counsellor is directive, he would suggest actions and gives homework exercises. Or, he can be non-directive and the client has to take the lead.

If you have a family problem or are going through relationship crisis, you can contact your family lawyer to resolve your problem. Toronto family lawyers are aware that their clients may not necessarily want divorce or separation, therefore they either offer in-house counselling, or refer couples to counselling centers to recover from damages. In this context, is a great name that has been serving locals for decades.

In these lines, you will learn some common and most popular counselling techniques, all of which are non-directive.

1. Person-Centred Counselling

This type of counselling stands of the principle that counsellor will provide three essential attributes that are therapeutic in themselves:

The counsellor uses these attributes to create relationship with the client and find solution to his problem.

2. Psychodynamic Counselling

This process is based on the theory that past experiences of a person have a bearing on his present experiences and emotions. Furthermore, relationships from childhood can be replayed with people in later stages of their lives. This kind of counselling is offered once a week in which principles of psychoanalysis and psychotherapy are used to find the root cause of the problem.

3. Transactional analysis Counselling

This counselling technique emphasizes personal responsibilities of the people towards their thoughts, feelings and behavior. According to transactional analysis theory, people can change is they continuously replace existing behavioral patterns with the new ones.

4. Transpersonal Counselling

This is a holistic and integrative approach in which the counsellor uses his creative imagination. This particular counselling signifies personal empowerment. It considers client’s past experiences, looks into his future and unfolds challenges they could possible face and the qualities they should have in order to meet them.

5. Existential Counselling

Existential counselling helps people understand the meaning of their existence, clarify their doubts and learn to live it well. This counselling encourages people to concentrate on assumptions they have about life and about themselves. In this way, they can make sense of their existence.


So, if you have any issue, don’t just hide it. Visit the nearby family law firm in Toronto and talk to the experts for the right solution.