
How Online Therapy Can Help Your Marriage

How Online Therapy Can Help Your Marriage

Online Therapy offers convenient and effective marriage therapy options. Couples can meet with a therapist together or individually; online (via video communication or instant messaging) or in person; at convenient times, without concern for specific locations.  eTherapi offers access to  therapists with expertise in relationship, couples and marriage issues. Addressing issues of love, friendship intimacy, trust, and, often, co-parenting, is not always easy for a variety of reasons.  Eliminating logistical challenges of distance and timing will empower progress towards desired outcomes; and immediate action rather than procrastination.

What happens when passionate love fades? According to researchers, passionate love can be maintained over time; and a therapist can provide education in a variety of aspects in a relationship. It is not a surprise that many couples or people that want to maintain a relationship seek relationship therapy.

The concept of love in marriage for example is only a very new idea. Only in the past hundred years have we begun to consider marriages based on love. Only even more recently have researchers been studying and understanding the psychology of relationships. Furthermore, in many countries where marriage was mainly about creating legal and social bonds society has increasingly started to believe that one must take greater care to build, deepen and nurture relationships.

For as long as we can predict, there will always be the need for good communication and negotiation. And research reveals that marriage therapy does work. Therapy can help:

  1. Motivate spouses to explore problems from new perspectives.

  2. Provide long lasting tools for enhanced relationship-related communication.

  3. Provide unbiased territory for coups to work through issues.

  4. Help individuals or couples rebuild relationships and renew commitments.

  5. When appropriate, clarify how to separate or end a marriage peacefully.

Relationship therapy does not work when there is:

  1. Physical or emotional abuse and one of the partners is afraid of their own safety

  2. Addiction and mental illness having a major impact on the relationship.

In these cases, a therapist might work more closely with the individual partner having difficulty and suggest options as appropriate.

A therapist can provide guidance and tools and facilitate the process of defining what marriage means for a couple. Disagreements and arguments in relationships are not bad; and, if handled well, they can lead to a more satisfying and lasting relationship. A therapist using online therapy can provide many educational resources for the relationship, with much increased convenience for the clients.

Conflicts associated with coordinating schedules and with not being able to leave work, the risk of being seen at a therapist’s office by others, and the potential cost associated with childcare (in the case of parents) are diminished with the point-and-click convenience offered by eTherapi.