
How I Lost 45 Pounds In 5 Months Without Hungering Myself – A Case Study

I am the type of guy who puts on weight very easily. As a child, I was always overweight, and when I became a sedentary worker (typing on my PC all day) I started putting on extra pounds of fat at an unprecedented rate. And in my free time I prefered spinning the reels at the all slots casino online instead of getting up and being active. In the end I reached my personal record weight – 287 lbs – and I started panting whenever I had to climb a flight of stairs. And this was the point when I decided to change.

First of all, I started looking for a diet that would fit my needs. In a manner typical for a sedentary guy – and lazy as hell – I started looking for a wonder diet which would help me lose weight without having to get up from the couch. Unfortunately (for the lazy guy inside me) none of the diets I found were convincing enough for me to commit to them. After a month, with still no change in my lifestyle, I gave up my search for a wonder diet. Instead I read whatever I could about the causes of being fat.

After reading through a great deal of articles and a couple of books, I finally found out what causes my fat deposits to soar day after day. There were two things that I definitely needed to change to lose weight: my diet and my lifestyle. But I also found out that the change didn’t have to be as dramatic as some nutritionists would have liked me to believe.

Basically, what I did was simple. I identified the two major sources of calories in my diet, and eliminated them. One of them was bread – white bread, to be exact, because that was the one preferred by the family – and the other was sweets. Chocolate, candy, marshmallows, Klondike bars – everything had to go. And I started working out – from then on I spent an hour a day lifting weights.

After two weeks – barely making it through the “bread withdrawal” period – I started feeling the difference. And when a couple more weeks passed, the change started to show: my clothes, which were a perfect fit before, have started to become loose. Slowly I formed a habit of working out day after day, biking to the gym, and eating nutritions – and mostly carb-free – meals. And keeping up with my new daily routine has had its effects: I shed 45 lbs of fat in just five months.

Today I look and feel much better than a year ago. I still go to the gym, working out for an hour six times a week. I am now leaner and fitter than ever before. I haven’t eaten any bread for about a year – but I don’t even feel like eating it at all.