
How Healthcare Professionals Can Better Meet The Needs Of Foster Children

More times than not, healthcare administration professionals, doctors and other such specialists come face-to-face with foster children who are in dire need of medical care. They may be ill or injured or just need preventative measures. Some basics to understand when dealing with these special youngsters include:

Their Needs are Different Than Those of Other Children

Realize that foster children have a different mindset than that of other kids their ages. They may not feel like they belong anywhere and may be very concerned about their future. This may cause undue stress on their small bodies and make them more susceptible to illness and fatigue.

You Have to Look at the Whole Package

When examining a foster child, realize that you just don’t have to look at the specific ailment or illness, you must look at everything that has anything to do with this youngster. They may be extremely wary, suffer from self-esteem issues, or have fears of abandonment. It is important to be especially reassuring and supportive during their visits to your facility, so it is vital to instruct all staff members to do just that. A little extra TLC or a small token after their treatment will go a long way toward establishing a trusting and caring relationship, even if it is only for a short time.

Their Statuses Will Change Often

Be aware that the child you see one month may be completely different than the one you see the following month. Foster children are always in transition, often moving from one home to the next. The first time you see them, they may seem like bright, happy, and well-adjusted children. The next time, they may be filled with fear and trepidation over their current living arrangements and circumstances. Just realize that there is nothing so constant as change in their young lives. Make every attempt to be reassuring and make a point to truly listen to their concerns during their short time with you and your staff.

Communication with Their Other Support is Vital

Any issues that may come up must be communicated to their social worker and other support personnel. This will help provide consistent and ongoing care to the individual child with his best interests in mind at all times.

As you can see, healthcare professionals must pay special attention to these unique children. Their needs can be overwhelming, but taking on their treatment and care with an open-mindedness and true compassion can make a huge difference in their young and transitional lives.