
How Can Immigrant Students Learn To Effectively Communicate In English?

How Can Immigrant Students Learn To Effectively Communicate In English?

It can be difficult to learn a new language, and even more so if you are learning a new language while learning things in that language. Here are some tips for non-English speaking students who are trying to master English.

Take Your Time

Students may perceive their English-speaking peers as chattering at a mile per minute, which can be frustrating when it takes them so long to stutter out a simple sentence. They should slow down and think carefully about what they want to say, and ask English speakers to take it slow for them. Furthermore, slower speaking will help them enunciate better and be easier for native English speakers to understand. Normal speaking speed will come with practice.

Learn Phrases and Sentences

Many people try to learn a new language word by word, but then get confused by common phrases, from idioms (“show you the ropes”) or statements that just seem odd if you are unfamiliar with them (“in the know”). Students should try to memorize common phrases or even sentences that they will need to use often, which can also speed up conversations, as they no longer struggle to string every word together.

Take an ESL Class

English as a second language (ESL) classes are a must for people trying to learn the language. An English class for Anglophone students is quite different from an ESL course, where instructors know the best ways to help speakers of a different tongue pick up the language. Some schools like Interactive College Of Technology, know that learning an additional foreign tongue is easier if you already know one to begin with. Hopefully, a class will be available at the student’s school, but if not they should try to find some sort of ESL teacher or tutor wherever they can. These are professionals who know the best way to help these students out.

Listen to Other People

Ultimately, immersion often proves to be the best teacher. To learn English, immigrant students should avoid only spending time with people who speak their native tongue. Finding an English speaker and just having a halting conversation about a favorite topic or hobby can do a lot to help them learn the language. Students should also keep an ear open and try to remember new words or phrases that their companion says, asking for clarity if they cannot figure them out from context.

These are just a few things that immigrant students should keep in mind as they try to navigate the confusion of a new language as they learn.