
Home Maintenance: How To Take Care Of Your Sewage and Wastewater

Sewage or wastewater is the byproduct of the many uses of water in and around your home. This includes water from flushing organic waste in the toilets, cleaning, laundry, cooking among other uses. This water requires treatment through sewage treatment facility or septic tanks which should be properly operated and maintained to protect the environment and public health from wastewater pollutants.

Septic Tank Pumping and Treatment

The responsibility of a homeowner is to know the location of the septic tank and ensure it’s regularly inspected and pumped by a professional for instance Econocycle which specializes in domestic water treatment. The septic tank should be pumped in every three to five years and the outlet device should be inspected during this time. Failure can lead to the accumulation of excess solids which will clog the drain field preventing the treatment of wastewater. You should ensure that the wastewater undergoes all the treatment steps from preliminary, primary, secondary to disinfection.

Manage Water Efficiently

When a gallon of water flows into the septic tank, the same amount of effluent (treated water) flows out into the drain field. A rapid flow caused by constant heavy water flow will result to movement of solids from the septic tank into drain field and further result to unsanitary water bubbling onto the surface. Extra water and compaction will decrease the wastewater ability to percolate through the soil. You should, therefore, install water conserving devices that will reduce the volume that flows into the tank.

Protection of Drains

A frequent flow of solids into the septic tank will require frequent septic tank pumping. The sewage treatment facility is also not capable of effectively treating all materials, therefore, maintenance is required. Avoid disposing items such as female hygiene products, diapers among others into the system. Parking, planting and placing objects on the roof of the drains should also be avoided therefore you should enforce proper precautions.

Minimize Cleaning Products

Laundry detergents and cleaning products in large volumes should not be frequently used. Chemicals and septic tank additives should also be avoided into the tanks. Such products result to the destruction of the bacterial action in the sewage treatment facility thereby disrupting the proper wastewater treatment.

Maintenance and care are essential for the sustainability of wastewater systems. Proper maintenance practices such as septic tank pumping should be enforced. This reduces health risks and increases sustainability of the treatment facility.