
Helpful Advice For Beginning Runners: Tips, Hints, and Things To Avoid

Helpful Advice For Beginning Runners: Tips, Hints, and Things To Avoid

Running is how many people choose to get in shape and for a good reason. A consistent jogging routine is beneficial to the heart, bones, and waist line, but despite how graceful and effortless track athletes make it appear, running is not as easy to get into as it looks. For those first timers, the first few minutes working out can be almost unbearable, and many choose not to fight past the initial pain. If you want to improve your jogging skills but can barely make it up the street before gasping for air, try these tips, hints, and things to avoid before you decide it’s not for you.

Money Does Not Equal Superior Work Outs

Whether you’re drowning in the big bucks or trying to figure out how to dig yourself out of debt, you can receive a more than adequate work out. Here are a few tips to work out without emptying your bank account:

Find the Right Shoes

Running shoes are more than just a fashion statement, and you’ll be doing yourself a huge favor by going into an athletic store and asking an expert to help you find the right pair.  You might think that any high quality running shoes will do, but there is much more to it than that; your gait (the manner in which you walk) is an important factor in determining what type of shoe is best for you, so it’s important to talk to someone who is specially trained to analyze that. A properly fitted shoe can help prevent injuries, blisters, and sore feet. For beginning runner there are many things that need to be taken care. Sometime beginning runner may have Back Pain. Get easy tips for back pain on Spine Tech.

Avoid Eating Right Before You Run

Because fueling up before any physical activity is greatly stressed, there is a common misconception that you need to eat directly before you exercise. It’s true that it’s important eat a meal full of carbohydrates and protein to help provide you with energy, but try not to eat for about two hours before you head out and exert yourself. Eating too soon before a run can cause stomach aches and side cramping which can lead to an uncomfortable and abrupt end to your exercise regimen.

Hydrate Before, During, and After

As with any form of rigorous exercise, staying hydrated is an important part in preventing you from feeling worn down early on. Make sure to drink plenty of water before you start, but also keep a Gatorade or other sports drink handy for the duration (and afterwards) of your jog in order to replace any electrolytes lost from sweating.

Warm Up

Never be so anxious to start your jog before warming up; this is a classic mistake many people make when trying to get back in shape. Warming up helps increase the flexibility of your muscles and joints as well as improves your circulation, and it helps you avoid sore muscles the next day. Most health experts agree that it’s more beneficial to gradually accelerate your heart rate rather than diving right into any intense physical activity, and warming up beforehand can help you push through longer than if you were to skip that step. Spending a few minutes doing jumping jacks or walking around the block are some quick ways to get started before you hit the ground running.

Start Small and Build Up Gradually

Don’t expect to be signing up for a marathon after your first run; take it slow, and avoid overexerting yourself. A helpful way to start improving your abilities is to start out by running for two minutes and then walking for two minutes. Complete a twenty minute exercise program using these intervals, and then gradually build up your strength until you feel confident you can cut out the walking altogether. You’ll be surprised how fast you can make improvements simply by pacing yourself and giving yourself room to grow.