
Have You Ever Been Overweight And Then Had An Eating Disorder (anorexia)?

Have You Ever Been Overweight And Then Had An Eating Disorder (anorexia)?

Anorexia nervosa is commonly referred as anorexia. It is an eating disorder where people suffer from low weight, and they will have a great desire to be thin. Such people suffer from fear of gaining weight and will implement measures to be thin. Usually, people suffering from anorexia will not have any problem with little weight. People suffering from anorexia will eat certain kinds of food items only. They will weight quite often and take food in small amounts. There are others who will exercise profoundly and use laxatives to achieve great weight loss.

Complexities with Anorexia

There will be serious complications with Anorexia nervosa. The implications are in tune with duration and severity if there is onset before the completion of growth.

Causes of Eating Disorder

There are biological, psychological and sociological causes which lead to the eating disorder. The exact cause should be found out so that the right kind of treatment can be initiated. The biological reasons include genetics, obstetric, infections, gastrointestinal disease.

If there is drastic weight loss, the diagnosis of eating disorder will take place. There are many men and women who are suffering in silence as they do not meet the weight criteria. Significantly low body weight can be diagnosed as havinganorexia nervosa. The weight of patients should be assessed to find out the condition. If the BMI of a person is less than 18.5 and patient qualifies for underweight and anorexic.

Healthy Mental State

To find out the healthy mental state, it should not be based on healthy BMI. It is not possible to assume that only thin people will suffer from eating disorders. There are many teenagers who were overweight and suffered from an eating disorder. For such kind of people, there will not be tangible results in spite of working hard to prepare the slimmest body

Under Representation

There is a common misperception that only thin people and white women do suffer from eating disorders. However, it was revealed that there are many fat people, men and people of color who suffer from eating disorders. As there are different yardsticks are implemented to measure beauty, some men and women are not diagnosed as anorexic even though they are.

Men would like to alter their bodies to be lean and muscular. If there is sufficient muscle weight, they will not be counted under anorexic even though there is very little fat in their body.


A comprehensive diagnosis will be done to assess the anorexia. While diagnosing for anorexic, it is required do take athlete’s diet, weight and symptoms into account. The BMI should not be the only factor of concern. In some athletes, the emphasis placed on weight-ins may promote the development of eating disorder. The usage of diet pills by women is considered as unhealthy behavior as it will lead to eating disorder.

The factors of concern include the following:

Treatment for Anorexia

If you have been diagnosed with anorexia, treatment should be initiated at the earliest so that there will be big reprieve for body and mind.

The above steps should be followed in a vigorous way to overcome the eating disorder. The solutions should be tailored as per the needs of the person.

While establishing meal plans, food varieties should be selected carefully. There should be food items which are higher in energy density. It is required to increase the number of calories. However, the raise should be done gradually and in a systematic way. If family-based therapy is implemented there will be significant results. Patients can witness swift recovery with a consistent 4 to 5-year follow-up with the therapist. Unfortunately, there will be least benefit to treat anorexia through medication.

If you are concerned about anorexia and perceive similar kind of symptoms, you should consult a qualified and experienced therapist so that the diagnosis will be done properly and right kind of treatment will be offered. It is crucial to managing healthy weight to promote health and at the same time, you should not live with ambiguity risking your health!

Author Bio:

Alex has written this article; He is a professional writer and content marketer. He writes for several health blogs and website. He also associates with the Phentramin-d reviews web portal, but his suggestion is to consult with the health professional before taking any weight loss supplements.