
Get Younger Looking Skin In Few Days

Get Younger Looking Skin In Few Days

Have you been getting really bad feedback to your skin lately? If you’re ready to turn the tables and hear fine complements about how good your skin looks and how full of life your usually tired looking eyes are, check out 10 ways by which you can make your skin look younger in just a week or under:

1. Give your body and mind enough rest and sleep every night. Not even your Dermanu cream nor any other anti-aging product can beat the power of a good night’s sleep to treat, rejuvenate and regenerate tired and damaged skin. Make an appointment with a deep sleep night after night and you’ll see the dewy difference in your complexion in just about a week or less of getting a full, uninterrupted seven up to eight hours of sleep.

2. Exfoliate. Use a facial exfoliating brush or an alpha hydroxy acid (AHA)-based exfoliant to lift, rip and eliminate dead skin cells and other impurities from the surface of your skin. As exfoliation causes mild tears and breaks on your skin, it prompts your skin cells to produce higher volumes of collagen and lift a new skin layer to replace the damaged skin on the top layer. Give it two or three days before you see smoother skin on the surface.

3. Try natural remedies. Treat your skin to a skin treatment at the start and end of the day for the next couple of days. Freeze two slices of cucumbers or tomatoes and let these rest on your eyes to relieve constricted veins. Follow through with the deep moisturizing power of a virgin olive oil or any essential oil you can get your hands on — some of the best include rose water, coconut oil and almond oil. The beauty of essential oils is that they are capable of deeply penetrating skin and never leaves grease on the surface.

4. Super hydrate and include regenerative products in your skincare regimen. Make moisture boost one of the primary objectives of both your daytime and nighttime regimen. The added moisture plumps and firms up your skin instantly. In the presence of regenerative ingredients like peptides and hyaluronic acid, your skin is able to hold this moisture while also stimulating collagen production and skin cell turnover to happen. These ingredients along with retinol, which should only be used at night, are found in many skincare products like Dermanu.

5. Incorporate antioxidants. In case your wrinkle care cream does not already contain antioxidants, you should get an antioxidant serum, ideally one that contains three of the most important topical antioxidants — Vitamins B3, C and E in at least 5%, 2% and 5% concentrations, respectively.

6. Use an eye mask. Give your eye skin an extra special attention because it needs it more than any other part of your face. Brighten and lighten up your eyes and you’ll instantly exude an aura of cheerfulness and being young. An overnight eye mask will help you get your dry eye skin ultra hydrated so you can wake up to sparkling eyes.

7. Drink plenty of fluids. No topical source of skin hydration can beat the power of fluids that you swallow in. Drink plenty of water throughout the day for the next couple of days and see how your skin becomes more supple to the touch.

8. Detox. Try to completely avoid processed foods for a week and eat only lean meat, including fatty fish, veggies and fruits. You’ll never go back to your old diet once you see the radiant skin you get from fueling your body with these foods only.

9. Try minimally invasive procedures. If you have time to endure a couple of days’ downtime, get a chemical peel. It remains to be one of the most effective procedures in surfacing younger skin. If you don’t like the pain and can’t get off your daily routines to stay at home and heal, you can always ask about other minimally invasive procedures that practically don’t entail downtime and are painless. Ask about how you can take advantage of radio frequency therapy, laser skin resurfacing, or fractional CO2 laser skin resurfacing.

10. Get a dermal filler. A hyaluronic acid or collagen injection can dramatically enhance the dewiness and youthfulness of your skin literally the second you walk out of the clinic!


Stop dreaming about having younger looking skin. Whichever direction you take with these 10 ideas in mind, you are bound to find the solution that fits you.