
Get These 6 Indoor Plants That Work As Natural Air Purifier


To live a little bit more on this planet we need to plant more because without plants we can hardly survive. The best way to do your bit on this critical time of mass deforestation in the attire of urbanization is to grow more indoor plants. Indoor plants are the best sources of pure air and living in pure air always sets the minds free by relaxing it and de-stressing it. Buy online plants from the following types to keep the air clean around you because a clean and clean air means a better health, body, and soul.

Orchids: Orchids are one of the easiest plants to grow and requires least care to grow. Even if you don’t water it or put out in sunlight it would still smile and grow. Additionally, orchids are capable of getting rid of xylene, a harmful pollutant found in house paints and glues and thus offers you a better ambience. For someone who has recently bought a home, a housewarming gift of orchids would therefore be recommended.

Massangeana Cane: This is a native plant of Africa that is helpful in curbing the level of formaldehyde from the air we breathe in. Apart from that, it has impressive good looks that would render your space a handsome tag.

Pothos: The injurious formaldehyde and carbon monoxide is erased if your place have this plant. This is one of the most patient plants that can survive in dim light as well as in lower temperatures. The golden heart shaped leaves provide a petite look to the atmosphere. For guest rooms or for office this is a perfect plant.

Peace Lilies: In case you are not in favor of buying flower bouquets, you can send plant online and decorate your home. It helps in removing toxins from air like ammonia, acetone, methyl alcohol, trichloroethylene, and benzene.

Palms: If there is a smoker in your house, your air is not at all pure as it has lots of carbon monoxide. Along with that any home in bracket of city would have formaldehyde and benzene due to automobiles and smoke. Planting palms that requires least care would evade the effects of these pollutants. With its bushy structure it is a nice corner keep for your house.

Anthuriums: It has an interesting looking flower and the base of the flower is a red colored leaf like structure. This pretty flower plant is efficient in purifying the air of your home by absorbing ammonia, xylene, toluene, and formaldehydes. Keeping it at workplace especially besides printers and adhesives would be recommended.

You can buy these online plants in India by consulting any e-commerce portal and keep your home clean and clear.