
Creating A Fruit-lover’s Utopia In Your Garden

Imagine instead of going to your local grocery store, you simply step out of your house and harvest the wonderful sweet fruits right from your garden. Well, if you are considering growing fruit in your outdoor area but you think you don’t have enough space, then, you couldn’t be more wrong! You don’t really need an orchard to grow your own fruits, you can easily create a fruit-lover’s utopia in a small garden. Here are some tips and tricks you can use to make your own fruit-garden.

Not enough space – not a problem

Being limited by the space in your outdoor area is not a reason not to make a garden because you can try growing fruit trees and plants in containers, raised beds or hanging baskets. Sometimes it is even advised to plant berries and other small fruits in raised beds to keep them manageable.

Choose your fruit trees and plants wisely

Before planting your favorites, there are several things you should consider. Firstly, you should choose varieties that are winter hardy and well suited to your growing area and climate conditions. For example, grapes, kiwi berries, figs, nectarines, strawberries, peaches, and apricots are perfect fruits for areas with lots of sunny days – the more sun, the sweeter the fruit tastes.

You should check if the plants you want to grow are self-fruitful or they require a different plant for cross-pollination. For example, if you want to grow a kiwi tree, you need to plant one of each sex to ensure fruit set since kiwi plants are either female or male.

Nourish the soil with organic alternatives

Make sure that your soil quality is good and that you use organic fertilizers. That way you will ensure you are being eco-conscious while growing organic fruits in your small garden. To keep your fruits productive (both in-ground and in raised beds) fertilize once or twice a year. Also, there are many recipes online for making organic pest-control mixtures for your garden, that are pet-friendly and that are not harming the environment. For example, if you a problem with critters and pests in your garden, you can easily get rid of them by utilizing recycled coffee grounds around the areas where you think they emerge from.

When it comes to watering, the best option would by far be creating your own water harvesting system in your garden. Rainwater harvesting is an eco-friendly process of collecting and storing rain, runoff, and stormwater.

But if you don’t have enough space for installing system it is also a great option to invest in retractable hose reel by Hoselink that will fix the problems such as leaking water and watering with low water pressure and help you water the plants easily and quickly.

Easy to grow fruits that are perfect for the beginners

When it comes to choosing the right plants for your garden, as a beginner you should opt for easy to grow fruit trees and plants such as strawberries, raspberries, figs, and rhubarb.

Strawberries are versatile and they can be grown in containers, hanging baskets, window boxes or in-ground. The best solution for a small garden is planting them in hanging baskets that will not only save you space but it will help keep them neat and won’t let them over-grow.  The more sun there is the sweeter the strawberries will be, so pick a place with a lot of sunshine to place them.

Planting autumn fruiting raspberries in your garden will ensure you have this delicious fruit from late summer to early autumn. It is a very undemanding plant that is simple to maintain – you just need to sheer the canes to ground level around February to prepare it for the next season.

If you love everything about the Mediterranean why not bring the true essence of it and grow your own figs? All you need is a sunny spot near a wall and a little patience because figs begin to form in the autumn but are ready to harvest the following summer. But you will have fresh, sweet figs in your backyard that will bring that coastal vibe in your home.

Rhubarb is a great easy to grow, low-maintenance fruit for all the beginners out there. It is hardy even in the coldest gardens as long as you plant it in rich, fertile soil. It is best to plant rhubarb in spring or autumn in a sunny or semi-shaded spot.

Making an organic garden in your backyard is the best way to ensure you are really eating healthy foods. And these simple steps can help you create a perfect fruit-lover’s utopia. All you have to do is choose easy to grow plants that are perfect for all the beginners to start growing fruits today!