
Fresh Out Of Law School: 5 Things You Need To Know About Taking On Your First Client

Fresh Out Of Law School: 5 Things You Need To Know About Taking On Your First Client

Anxiety and a fear of the unknown will be a constant in those first few years out of law school. Whether you are creating your own practice, joining a practice, or simply exploring your options, here is a look at five pieces of information you should consider before taking on your first client.

1. They aren’t Worried about Your GPA

Many lawyers will get out of school and be nervous about their GPA or what organizations they were a part of in their past. Luckily, very few clients are going to ask for information on schooling. While this information may dictate your options for joining a firm, anyone that is planning on creating a solo practice can rest assured that it is their success after school that will be the most important to their clients.

2. Non-Traditional Offices are Acceptable

There will be a time that every lawyer wants to rent or purchase their own ideal office, but non-traditional offices are perfectly fine when starting out. Many modern lawyers have opted for well-designed home offices or even virtual offices in those first few years. As long as clients realize that you are working hard for them, then you don’t need to stress about commercial property right away.

3. Create a Referral System

Just as with any other professional venture, you will need a good referral and support system in place before taking on any customers. Lawyers should begin to consider what kind of services their clients will need and extend a hand out to companies like A-1 BAIL BONDS, INC. as early on as possible. Having these kinds of partnerships in place will become invaluable as your company begins to grow.

4. Make Yourself Available Online

No one should ever underestimate the importance of creating a powerful online presence. Every lawyer should have a variety of resources available to current and future clients via a website and social media accounts. Websites can often be created for as little as a few hundred dollars and are almost always the single most important form of advertisement for smaller companies.

5. Focus on a Single Area

It will be tempting for new lawyers to take on any client that comes through the door, but focusing on a particular area of law will be much more effective in the long run. This will first require some market research into that area of law to see how saturated the market really is. Once a specialization is chosen, then you can begin building your marketing and advertising campaign around that information.

Taking on that first client is one of the most exciting moments in a lawyer’s life. Keep these few tips in mind so that you can ensure a long and successful career.