
Found Guilty – Learn How to Lower your DUI Penalty Here


Today, when someone is caught driving under the influence it often gives him huge problems such as loss of driver’s license, fines, and even incarceration; it is far more severe for people who have repeated DUI offenses. However, you can lessen the penalties by following these tips.

You have to be polite. From the moment you see flashlights behind you, ready a polite mindset. An officer looks at driver’s manner. Police will investigate a driver much more once he delays the pulling over or when he rudely speaks to him.

Get a professional lawyer. Though these criminal attorneys charge a lot, but their price tags can be well worth because they can give you what you really need and it is between a conviction with a severe sentence and a dismissal. Choosing a reliable lawyer needs some important things to consider and first is, make sure to find one who specializes in DUI cases. Even the best civil attorneys do not know the nitty gritty of DUI law as well as lawyers who deal with it on a regular basis.

You can ask for a deferral or reduced charges. If you do not have a defense for your case that would make it likely that you would win at trial, ask if the prosecutor will reduce the charges. Some cities even offer deferral of prosecution. If you case gets assessed, a judge will set forth conditions like getting alcohol counseling paying fines or doing community service. If you meet the conditions and stay out of trouble, the case gets dismissed and comes off your record

You can ask for a lower sentence. There are cities and states that special programs to try to rehabilitate repeat DUI drivers, rather than simply throw them in jail. Although these programs may lessen the amount of jail time you serve, they require a commitment on your part.

Lastly, write a pleading letter. Tell the judge that you regret your actions and have learned your lessons. If you are really sincere and honest and the judges believe that you are truly sorry, she will then lighten your sentence. From there, you can improve your chances of decreasing your penalty by coming into court after having already attended alcohol counseling treatment, having paid compensation to anyone injured as a result of your driving under influence or having an witness or family member tell the court that you have changed and will not do it again.

If you’ve been charged with a crime, whether a felony, misdemeanor, DUI, or traffic offense, you want the best  criminal lawyer DUI attorney you can find. You want an attorney with the experience, determination and knowledge needed to protect your rights and obtain the best possible result in your criminal case.