
Finding The Right Rental Is Tough: Take These Tips


I remember the first place I ever rented. I was in college and looking to move in with four roommates. I lucked out that a few of them already attend the college and already lived in the area we were looking to live. All they had to do was go to the local realty office and let them know they were looking to rent a property near campus. Soon after they would take you around the area and show you all the places that were available. When I was in college all I needed was just a place that was close to campus so I could get to class on time. Now I’m older and the place I am looking to rent needs to have more than just a certain location. Here are some topics to think about when looking for a rental.

Air Conditioning and Heating

You may not think this is very important, but when it comes to a rental space it is. Some rentals may have a central air condition unit. Meaning all the units share the same temperature. So, if in the winter if you think it’s too cold you might have to get a space heater to warm up which is going to cost you on your electric bill.  The same could be an issue in the summer if it’s too hot. Before you finalize a rental agreement it’s a good idea to know what kind of air conditioning system the unit has.


Space is always important in any place you live. You want make sure you have enough room so that you are comfortable in it. If you are a person who doesn’t want stay in your bedroom all the time you may be on the lookout for a rental that has a small living room area. You also need to take in mind you may need space for storage as well. Closets and underneath the bed can be great places to store items that you aren’t using regularly.


Amenities for rentals have changed a lot in the past few years. It used to be people were happy to just have on site laundry at their rental property. Now you can find things from laundry rooms to onsite gym rooms at some places. Be sure to ask to see what kind of amenities a rental property comes with.


To many parents and future parents knowing what school your child will attend is very important. Some parents if make the decision of where they are going to live on what school district a property falls in. Knowing what school district your rental falls in is good information for any parents.


No matter if you are renting or buying, location is always big when it comes to real estate. It is so important to really know about the location that you are looking to rent in. It is good to know how close you are to things such as public transportation, grocery stores, libraries and schools. Knowing too much about a location is never a bad thing.

These are just a few things to think about when finding the right rental for you. Make sure to always find out as much as you can before you sign your name to any papers.

This article is written by Aaron James a marketing analyst at RentalRoost.