
Fight The Frizz!

Fight The Frizz!

Tired of battling frizzy hair? Put an end to the frustrations and add a little silky smoothness to your hair with these tried and true tips.

Choose Alcohol-Free Products

Hair products with alcohol strip your locks of important nutrients and lead to frizz. Read the lists of ingredients on your hair products and throw away any that contain alcohol. Restock your shower and cabinet with natural alternatives that promote your hair’s health rather than strip it away.

Rinse with Cool Water

Everyone loves a cold shower, right? Maybe not, but your hair does! When possible rinse your hair with cool water rather than scalding hot water. Cool water helps to seal in the nutrients of your hair products and also prevents the damage caused by excessive heat.

Opt for a Soft Towel

Don’t get aggressive with your hair during the drying process. Drying your hair with a standard bath towel almost guarantees that you’ll be dealing with frizz for the rest of the day. Opt for a soft towel or t-shirt instead and gently squeeze the water from your wet hair, rather than trying to rub it dry.

Dry with Cool Air

Heat damages hair. And what you don’t want is more hair damage to compound the frizz. If you don’t already have one, buy a hair dryer with a cool dry setting and always use that setting rather than the hot option. When possible, allow your hair to air dry and avoid the hair dryer altogether.

Use Coconut Oil

According to Frizz Relief: 11 Tips and Tricks to Tame Frizzy Hair, coconut oil can work wonders on frizz in thick hair. A dab of coconut oil applied to wet hair can keep it smooth and adds shine as it dries. But don’t overdo it. Too much coconut oil applied to hair can make it appear limp and greasy.

Deep Condition Regularly

Give your hair the moisture it needs by deep conditioning it regularly. A natural deep conditioner can infuse your hair with the nutrients it needs to restore a healthy look and feel. Read and follow the instructions on the deep conditioner with care. Only use the product as often as instructed to avoid your hair becoming greasy or limp in appearance.

Comb with Care

Invest in a high quality comb to fight frizzy hair. And use the comb with care. Gently comb tangles in your hair and never get aggressive on stubborn spots. Combing aggressively can lead to broken hair, split ends and other problems that ultimately lead to frizzy hair.

Don’t put up with frizzy hair any longer. From using alcohol-free hair products to drying your hair with cool air and regularly applying coconut oil, there are many tried and true ways to achieve silky smooth locks.