
Fields That Are Worth Getting A Masters In

Fields That Are Worth Getting A Masters In

Master’s degrees are becoming the new bachelor’s degrees. Since the 1980’s, the number of master’s degrees awarded has more than doubled. The number of people who have master’s degrees today is about the same proportion that had a bachelor’s or higher in 1960.

This higher level of education has in many cases become the threshold for a great job. In some professions, a master’s degree is required. Here are the four best fields to get a master’s degree in.

Social Work

Earning a master’s degree in social work is the first step towards working in a management position or a healthcare related area, according to Additionally, the National Association of Social Workers reports that the average salary for a social worker with a bachelor’s degree is about $40,000, whereas someone with a master’s degree earns closer to $60,000. With an average increase of between $20-30,000, a master’s degree in social work makes sense in order to both make more money and have further options for career development.


For aspiring writers hoping to be widely published, getting a master’s degree is a step towards earning a professorship. Master’s of fine arts degrees in writing are often set up to be workshops, meaning that instead of listening to a lecture students will gather together to critique each other’s work. The value of a master’s degree in English or writing is two-fold. First, the writer gains valuable time to develop and hone his craft. Second, the writer sets himself on the path to a coveted professorship.

Health Law

Health care has never been a more common topic of discussion than now, in the wake of the Affordable Care Act. Along with the new legislation comes a wave of complex legal healthcare issues. A master of science in health law is appropriate for people with a background in nursing, psychology, biology or healthcare/business administration.


A master’s of business administration is increasingly being seen as an entry-level requirement for many big corporations and industries. According to Forbes, full-time MBA graduates from top 50 schools earn salaries that are 50 percent higher than they earned before entering the program. That’s not all — over the next five years, their salaries will double.

Earning a master’s degree will likely pay off in the long run, and help kick-start your career.