
Few Tips For Good Pet Photography


Photography is a way of expressing art through the use of camera lenses. However, it is up to the photographer, which, who and what will be its subject. Many would like to choose humans as their subject, some would like the nature and others would like animals. Animals are surely good choice as subjects of an individual’s photography since they are creatures on Earth that are most interest-provoking. Unlike to human beings, animals do not have such thing as self-control that’s why true and real emotions could possibly be seen and displayed by these animals.

Among all the animals out there, the most ideal for an individual’s photography is a domestic animal. Of course, a wild animal wouldn’t be really ideal since you wouldn’t want to risk your life in just taking a shot with wild animals like lions, tigers and other carnivores in the wild. Thus, domestic animals are really of good choice since every pet is an endless source of amusement, fun and laughter.

Here are some few tips you might want to take into account for a good pet photography. First thing is to get down on their level. Intimacy should be dealt with in order to make the picture be filled with great emotions that’s why it would be best if you would take a picture using the subject’s perspective. A picture filled with great emotions will surely bring up the level of interest of the people who wants to see such picture like cute and funny photos of animals.

Second, you should avoid a direct sunlight. Direct sunlight is harsh and may damage the details of photo and leave the shadows too dark with no detail. The best setting of a good photography would be an open shade but if you want to shoot indoors, try to put the subject next to a large window that has indirect light coming in.

Third, you should make sure to have your pet’s eye focused. The eyes of an animal are the most precious thing in photography since it is the one who does the speaking rather than the language. In order to relay the message of the picture successfully, you should make sure that you have taken the right focus of your pet’s eyes.

Fourth, you should get close with the subject and pay attention to the rest of the frame. We tend to focus only at the face of subject and disregard the other spaces. You shouldn’t waste the space of the frame. Take a moment to look around the viewfinder and place your pet in an interesting composition and you should make sure that there is no distractions in the background.

Lastly and most importantly, you should have patience. Animals are not that obedient so you might want to lengthen your patience. A little patience, combined with perseverance is a great combination for success in getting the best shot.