
Eye Grabbing Colors This Season

Eye Grabbing Colors

Colors have always had different meanings and references too in the modern and traditional lifestyles. They can be blended or used as single to make one of the eye- catching styles clothing out there. They can create a difference and make you the most unique person or item on the road, in the market, field or your environment. To some extent, they can be said to offer security, sense of belonging, confidence and self-esteem. For those who like being the center of attention, you no longer have to work for it. Just find a suitable color that is eye catching. To help you out, here are some of the eye- catching colors for you to wear or use today.


Since time immemorial, red has been a color that has always attracted attention. It is a commanding yet one can’t fail to see it. In the modern world, red is used on many occasions. I have always imagined why the red carpet is called the red carpet! I now understand the reference. The power, command, fun and beauty of the occasion demands a suitable stylish clothing color that assimilates to the event. I would say the red carpet perfectly suits and celebrities that wear red complement the occasion and of course become the center of attention without trying.


Yellow beats all the others in terms of visibility to an individual’s eyes. When used in style clothing, it becomes a master fit. However, one has to be careful with how it is used as excessive usage can damage the look. It is one of the colors that you can have fun with while designing clothes, preparing entertainment parlors and any other fun activities. If seeking out an audience, yellow is the color to wear. It commands attention and you don’t have to shout on top of your head. Furthermore, distinguishing yellow from other colors is quite easy even for colorblind. It makes it a universal color that can be seen and valued by all.


This blend of color is one of the amazing eye-catching colors that has been worn by people. First, it complements the skin color regardless of your skin color. Secondly, it is safe and people regard it as a playful color. It blends in with other colors and can be mixed freely without worrying of the look that might result. While styling clothing, an all orange gown would be perfect for the red or blue carpet. When it comes to orange, you can never go wrong.


The black color is one of the most versatile, attention grabbing, relaxing and demanding cloth color out there in the market. It is used for different events, gatherings and for fun activities. Black can be designed to suit a wedding event or a burial event. It can be an intimidating cloth color but also an accommodating and relaxing one. It doesn’t matter what you have been through the day, whatever drama you are facing, black is always a solution to your clothing troubles. In addition, it complements all other colors and can be blended and mixed freely when styling or designing style clothing. Furthermore, it can be used to contrast any other color of mood that you may be in.


Royalty is something that grabs every single person’s attention. Imagine being told that the Prince of Wales is passing by, we would all be running to that specific road just to see him. Purple elicits the same kind of a reaction. Designed as a gown, it is perfect for going out on special events especially on a date. I guarantee that your date won’t shift their eyes from you. In addition, the color depicts elegance, class and stature. Something that is quite difficult to achieve with other colors. What else do you want, be part of the royals by dressing is a purple dress or gown for your special occasion.


This is a color for all the females in the world and to some men as well. It is a color, which does not compete with any other when it comes to indicating feminity or vying for attention. If looking to entice a male individual, pink is the way to go. It’s feminine, free and enticing to the eye. For a woman, pink is the color. For a woman, pink is the color. It will never disappoint.


Style clothing differ in design or make but the color is the final say when it comes to appearance, attention it will grab and how the wearer will feel about it. Everyone loves to have fun every occasion. It is therefore fundamental to pick colors that are eye catching, enticing and fun.