
Exploring The Many Benefits Of Oolong Tea

Tea has been grown and used in beverages for centuries by numerous cultures. We often associate drinking it with general health benefits, without really knowing what they are.

Oolong tea is made from the Camellia Sinensis plant and comes in a number of different varieties, with the most well-known coming from China’s Fujian province. But why should we drink tea in the first place, and why specifically should we drink Oolong tea over other teas?

The Benefits of Drinking Oolong Tea

It’s quite widely known that most types of tea contain antioxidants. Antioxidants are beneficial because they help to rid our bodies of free radicals, which have been linked to cancer. Oolong contains a substance called catechin, which helps in the fight against free radicals in the body. What else does it do for us? Consider the following health benefits of Oolong tea:

Oolong Tea for Health and Happiness

Oolong tea provides many health benefits to those who drink it regularly. Even if you’re not totally aware of all of the small benefits it does provide, you’re likely aware of just how relaxing and calming a nice cup of tea can be. The stress reduction alone is a health benefit all unto itself!