
Everything You Need To Know About The Stem Cell Facelift

Everything You Need To Know About The Stem Cell Facelift

In general, the facelift procedure has proven to be one of the most useful and beneficial procedures to a lot of patients. In fact, it’s definitely one of the most popular procedures in the cosmetic surgery world. In terms of placement, it might be the most important. After all, don’t you look at someone’s face as soon as you meet them? When you are having a conversation with someone are you not staring at their face? Many people become self-conscious about wrinkles, lines, or scars that have appeared on their face due to aging.

The facelift was designed to combat this and to truly allow for patients to feel satisfied about the way that they look again. In turn, this can benefit their entire personality and mood for years.

In this article we are going to be looking into a specific kind of facelift – the stem cell facelift.

How does it Work?

At first, people might find that the name of this procedure might mean that it is certainly very similar to a facelift. Maybe this specific kind of facelift requires a different method? Maybe this procedure doesn’t require as much downtime? These are all fair questions that could be running through someone’s mind as they try to figure out what a stem cell facelift is exactly.

Some say that the name of this procedure is deceiving because it is less like a facelift, and more like an injectable or filler. Before we go on – yes, this procedure is approved by the FDA for safety.

The difference between this treatment and other facial fillers is that this treatment users your own blood to fight signs of aging.

How do you know it’s for you?

If you are someone who has noticed more facial lines or a loss in volume around your face, you might be interested in considering this procedure. Additionally, if you are someone with thinner skin, this procedure might serve you better than an actual facelift might.

How does it Compare to ther Treatments?

Perhaps one of the most beneficial components of the stem cell facelift is that it has been proven that results last twice as long than other treatments. Specifically, surgeons have shown that this procedure can last for about a total of 15 months! That’s an incredible amount of time as other treatments might pull 6-7 months (and that’s a big might). In terms of time, this treatment is just as quick as other non-surgical injectables.

Not everyone offers this kind of procedure, so make sure that you take your time and research a practice that is known to offer this kind of procedure.