
Energy Efficient Options In Air Conditioners

Energy Efficient Options In Air Conditioners

If you are like most homeowners, purchasing an energy efficient air conditioner can make them save lots of dollars. With escalating energy prices, you’ll surely want to do whatever is possible to make better use of your current air conditioner, or find the most efficient new one which is in your budget.

There are many ways you can cut cooling costs whether you’re hanging on to your current air conditioner or planning to buy a new high efficiency air conditioner. Most air conditioning systems sold today are energy saving air conditioners, compared to air conditioners of years past. Saving energy is on everyone’s mind these days because it is good for the environment, as well as your budget.

Lowering Your Energy Usage Can Help Save Money

Lowering energy use from air conditioning can make a big difference to your total energy budget. If you are not sure how much energy you are using or have questions about what type of air conditioning unit to purchase, it is a good idea to consult a professional air conditioning contractor.

You may even consider having an energy audit done on your home to determine the best course of action to take. An audit can bring to surface any problems with insulation, shading, ventilation, or other factors you may have that are consuming the most energy and costing you a small fortune.

Purchasing a New Energy Saving Air Conditioner

If you are in the market for a new air conditioning unit, you will find that today’s air conditioners are much more energy efficient than they were even ten years ago. Make sure you have the right air conditioner for your home, as an oversized unit is much less efficient. You may have an oversized central air conditioner, and it is a good idea to seek a professional air conditioning contractor to help you get exactly what you need based on the size of your home, the layout, and the general size of the rooms.

Keep Your Air Conditioner Cleaned and Maintained

In order to keep your air conditioning unit functioning at maximum efficiency, keep the unit regularly maintained, having the refrigerant checked at regular intervals. Inspect those exposed vents, fins, filters, coils and make sure they are dust and moisture free. Keeping those filters cleaned and replaced, and having the unit serviced can help keep things running smoothly and efficiently.

Tips to Help Control Air Conditioning Costs

When daytime temperatures are at their hottest, it is not the time to crank up that air conditioner to maximum degree. It is always best to cool your rooms to the desired temperature while the temperatures are cool outside. It uses far less energy for the air conditioning system to cool a room down when it’s cooler outside. Another money saving habit you can develop is to turn your unit off while you are away for the day if possible, or turn the temperature dial down. It takes very little time for your unit to start making a room comfortable, and saves energy.

Use Fans to Supplement Your Air Conditioning System

Ceiling fans can help circulate air around the room and can help save you money. Fans blow your air-conditioned indoor air around, helping to circulate that cool air throughout your home. This will help keep temperatures cool, and save energy and money at the same time. Using fans to supplement your air conditioner is very practical as fans use less energy as compared to cranking up the controls on your air conditioner.