
EEOICPA Health Advantages







When it comes to EEOICPA health advantages, many beneficiaries get puzzled about the services the Department of Labor (DOL) will and would not pay for. Let me try and clear up some of this worry.

The medical advantages accessible to living workers are commonly the same under both Part E and Part B of the program. Anyway, the DOL will pay for the services explained by a treating physician. Additional, the treating physician must give proof that the prescribed service is for treatment of a approved sickness.

For now, here is a list of some of the medical advantages accessible to former employees approved under EEOICPA with United Energy Workers Healthcare help.

Medical advantages list

What costs are exactly covered?

To understand which medical costs are covered we need to know the definition of an “Accepted” sickness. An accepted sickness is the situation by list on your EEOICPA claim. For example, if you are filling a Part B claim for chronic beryllium disease, this disease would be your accepted sickness.

Once the claim has been filed and verified by the Department of Labor, medical bills matched to situation will be reimbursable.

The DOL will just for treatment directly matched to an accepted sickness.

For example, if you have verified for pancreatic cancer under EEOICPA, any treatment matched to pancreatic cancer can be billed to the Department of Labor by the medical supplier.

Anyway, let’s say you have diabetes and a portion of your visit with a physician was in regards to treating your diabetes. Since you have not had a claim verified for diabetes, it is not accepted sickness and the DOL would not pay for any treatment related to diabetes.

What is a consequential sickness?

Many employees do not realize that medicals situations or complications as an outcome of an accepted diagnosis can be included to their medical card. These situations are considered a consequence of your accepted sickness and can therefore be covered.

Consequential situations are largely expand medical coverage and support workers to get the United Energy Workers Healthcare they need. There are actually four different ways for a situation to be considered consequential.

Four types of consequential sickness

Psychological situations outcome from treatment can also sometimes be included as consequential sickness. The department of labor explicitly states, anyway, physiological situations must be attached to the accepted situation by the attending physician and a Board-certified psychologist.

To add a consequential sickness to your medical card you will need to file a fresh claim with the Department of Labor.