
Easy way to Pass NS0-504 and NS0-510 Exams with Training Material

What is Ns0-504 Certification?

System Appliance Ns0-504 certificate exam is around those prominent IT accreditations. It is additionally the dream of aggressive It experts. These parts of the competitors need to be completely ready to permit them to get the most noteworthy score on the Ns0-504 exam, make their own particular arrangement indexes good with business request.

 Exam Code:

Exam code for the given certification is NS0-504.

Exam Name:

Exam name for the given test and exam is network appliance NetApp Certified Implementation Engineer – SAN, Cluster-Mode.

Time for the Test:

Total time in which you need to complete your test is 90 minutes. After this time you are not allowed to write anything and your exam will be evaluated.

Type of Questions:

Types of questions which will come into your exam are multiple choice based questions and their quantity of the questions is 337.

Lead towards the Certification:

After taking the exam your pass or fail result will be given immediately if you are passing then you will get the certification.

Requirement for the Exam:

There is no prerequisite required to take the exam.

Topics for the Exam

1.      Scalable an Solution Assessment

2.      Versatile San Implementation Plan Creation

3.      Versatile San Implementation And Configuration Tasks

What is NS0-510 certification?

Netapp Certified Backup and Recovery Implementation Engineers have demonstrated aptitudes in positioning Netapp debacle recuperation results, surveying client space necessities, and achieving a reinforcement and recuperation result.

Exam Code:

Exam code for the given certification is NS0-510

Exam Name:

Exam name for the given test and exam is net application certified engineer recovery and backup

Type of Questions:

Types of questions which will come into your exam are multiple choice based questions and their quantity of the questions is 173.

Lead towards the Certification:

After taking the exam your pass or fail result will be given immediately and if you are pass you will get the certification

Requirement for the Exam:

There is no prerequisite required to take the exam

Exam Topics: