
Don’t Shy Away From Plastic Containers

Don't Shy Away From Plastic Containers

Plastic is widely used in many common household products. Liquid detergent, mouthwash, shampoo bottles, food, personal toiletry items, and many other things can all be stored in plastic containers. However, families tend to shy away from plastic due to the debate surrounding possible environmental and health issues related to its use. BPA, also known as Bisphenol A is the controversial chemical that manufacturers use to make this clear, hard plastic.

Cost-Effective Storage Solutions

If you are looking for cost-effective household storage options, plastic containers are perfect, as it is much cheaper than any other storage container material. Plastic is also manufactured in larger quantities, so it lowers the overall cost to produce this type of material. When they are damaged, they can be replaced cheaply.


Unlike some containers made from other fragile substances, plastic containers are known for their durability. You can store heavy material inside each container, stack them on top of each other, and never worry about the containers buckling or cracking from the pressure. You also do not have to worry about breaking the plastic if you drop it because it can withstand trauma. Plastic containers tend to stay in great shape during washing, microwaving, and with reuse. They are also scratch resistant. When you purchase your plastic containers, always opt for the thicker plastic instead of the thinner material because the thicker plastic containers last longer.

It’s a Cleaner Option

Plastic material has a smooth, nonporous surface. This type of material does not absorb chemicals and moisture, unlike porous storage containers. Plastic is also easy to clean and sanitize, so it is less likely to harbor bacteria. Dish soap and warm water are all you need to clean your containers. Plastic is also weather resistant.

Easy to Carry and Transport

Plastic containers weigh less than materials like glass, which makes them easier to carry and transport. This characteristic makes plastic containers more appealing and functional. Plastic containers are also easy to stack on shelves, which is great for saving space.

Environmentally Friendly Option

Many people don’t associate the terms ‘environmentally friendly’ and ‘plastic’ in the same sentence, for understandable reasons. Many environmental studies offer plenty of statistical information on how much oil is needed to keep up with the demand for bottled water — which uses plastic — throughout the United States. However, plastic containers require less energy to recycle, and even when plastic is not properly recycled, it creates less waste in landfills than glass.

Plastic containers are excellent to use for home organization, food, and miscellaneous storage items. You can find them in many sizes and for different purposes, whether for your home, school, or office. Plastic containers have undeniable advantages and only a few drawbacks.

Plastic’s advantages definitely outweigh its drawbacks due to its affordable cost, reliability, safety, convenience, durability, and weight. Plastic containers are easy to stack, unbreakable, and much thinner than glass containers. Choosing plastic for your storage needs is just a smart choice.


Jake Mayberry writes on plastic containers, chemistry, materials science, metallurgy, water storage tanks, water heaters, eco-conscious living and other related topics.

Image credit goes to Prime-Group.