
Don’t Get Caught Up In Hoarder Status: 5 Tips For Organizing Your Home

Don't Get Caught Up in Hoarder Status 5 Tips for Organizing Your HomeJust because your home isn’t organized now doesn’t mean it has to stay that way. Here are 5 tips to getting organized and keeping clutter under control.

1. Something in, Something out

When homes have big garages and basements, it’s easy to just haul stuff in and leave it there. Make it a rule to take out the old when the new comes in. As soon as that new flat screen arrives, haul off the old TV or call one of the electronic recycling companies that have sprung up across the country. Keep broken appliances or furniture from stacking up and taking over your garage or basement with the “new in, old out’ rule.

2. The Four Boxes

It’s hard to organize until clutter has been dealt with, and almost every organizational expert uses the four-box system because it works. The four boxes, or bags, are labeled:

You can tackle a small area at a time or a room, but the key to this is not getting overwhelmed. If you find it hard to let go of sentimental items, you might need to store them for a while until you decide. Phoenix AZ storage units can take care of your storage needs and keep your sentimental items safe and your home clutter-free.

3. Paper and Pen

Once you’ve used the four-box system to declutter, take a pen and notebook and walk through the room, thinking about the problem areas and what storage solutions might work. This brainstorming part of organizing can be fun and creative, but just stay realistic. Some families can get by with a couple of bins for toys, but others might need triple that to keep everything off the floor.

4. Friendly Helper

If tackling the whole house seems like an impossible task and you want to throw up your hands after a few minutes, consider getting an organizing buddy. If you have a friend join you in getting organized, you’ll find it easier to stay motivated. Having definite organizing dates will add accountability, and that can make all the difference, along with the encouragement we all need for big jobs.

5. Hauling Day

Organizing is one of those jobs that’s never really finished. Stuff keeps coming in, so stuff needs to keep going out. To remind yourself and keep the family focused on the organizing goal, schedule seasonal hauling days, when everyone is asked to declutter, box up and either donate or trash items. If it all ends with a special reward, like a visit to the ice cream shop, they might even start to look forward to hauling day!

Author Bio

Kathrine Kreger, is a freelance writer from Eugene, OR. She loves museums, art and football. For those who are looking for a reputable storage company, look to ( for a location near you.