
Could You Be Sir Alan’s Next Apprentice?

If you’ve been glued to the latest series of the Apprentice, you, like many others, are likely to have been sat on your sofa thinking ‘I could do better.’ If you’ve got a great business idea, or just think you have what it takes to be Sir Alan’s next business partner, why not put your money where your mouth is and apply for the 2014 series?

As The Apprentice turns 10 next year, it’s likely to be the biggest and best series yet. It’s easy to apply online at and, with a bit of luck and a sparkling CV, you could find yourself in the thick of next year’s challenges and trials, before facing Sir Alan in the boardroom for the nerve-wracking ‘you’re fired’ announcement!

You’ve got until 19th January 2014 to apply, so if you don’t yet have a great business idea, you’ve got plenty of time still to think about it. But what will make you and your business stand out from the other candidates?

Creative Spark

It’s hard to put your finger exactly on what makes a great business idea, but creative thinking is important for a business plan that stands out. Don’t be scared to think outside the box but, at the same time, there’s a lot to be said for sticking to what you know. Know where your strengths and experience lie and then find a new angle – this will leave you with a fresh business idea that you’re qualified to make a success.

Know Your Stuff

Business isn’t all about blue sky thinking and new ideas. In order to be taken seriously as a potential business partner for one of the best business brains in the world you really need to show that you know your stuff. This means knowing all the relevant requirements, rules and regulations for whatever line of

business you wish to go into. Business insurances are an important part of this and you can get a business insurance quote from Hiscox online to help you do your sums. If you’re not sure what the requirements are you can find business insurance by industry to give you a clear idea and enable you to show that you know your stuff in your business plan.

Research Your Competition


It’s rare to have a completely new idea that has no direct competition. For example, this year’s two Apprentice finalists wanted to start up a baking supplies business and, the eventual winner, a botox clinic. Both of these businesses are already in existence, but the key is to outline how you will make yours stand out from the crowd.

A stand out business plan will make you a stand out candidate and, who knows, you could be taking your seat in Sir Alan’s boardroom next summer!