
Coolest Kitchen Appliances of 2016

No matter where you live, your kitchen is going to be where you are going to spend most of your time in the privacy (or lack thereof) of your home or apartment and is often associated with various emotions. There’s the usual fatigue of coming home from work and taking some snack from the cupboard since you are too tired to make dinner. There’s the general franticness associated with a special holiday, where you try to make a meal for you and the ones that you love. And for those of you who are female, there is that feeling of frustration as you point to the kitchen and explain to your relatives what type of life you will not be leading when they ask if you plan to get married. The point is, you lead a busy life, and you have no patience for tacky stuff that breaks the first time you use it.

With that said, let us pique your interest in some new appliances that you can use to make your culinary work a bit easier. Because unlike the aforementioned tacky stuff, these products may offer quite a bit of bona fide utilitarian value. Yes, we know, money is a little tight these days. Nevertheless, if you have the money and the desire to get and use of the following products, you are more than welcome to do so. In addition, be sure to check out different sellers such as 24/7 restaurant parts for deals on new and used appliances. Here are some examples, as divided by several key categories:

• Bar accessories: After all, a little bit of alcohol every now and then is not really a bad thing (talking about sips, not shots). This is also the categories where most of the new products are quite tacky, which is perhaps a result of the niche market it occupies. Nevertheless, there are a few diamonds in the rough if you know where to look. Chief among them is the Oak Bottle, which is itself the brainchild of a Kickstarter campaign.

• Coffee makers: Now for something you like that won’t get you fired for drinking on the job. Because coffee is to your white-collar worker as rum is to a pirate [Insert Pirates of the Caribbean joke here]. And for most of the former, they have pictures of their family and other loved ones lying around. Combine those two thing and you have Ripples, which is essentially a “coffee printer.” In layman’s terms, it means that you choose an image and the machine replicates it on the cream. If you think about it, it becomes the perfect metaphor for your career.

• Ovens: As long as human civilization has existed in most of the forms it has taken, the oven will always be a key part of domestic life. But which ones are the best on the market in the here and now? As a matter of fact, the Fiscal Times did an article discussing which ones right now are the cream of the crop. When it came to ovens, it was a tie between a Maytag model and a Whirlpool model.

• Refrigerators: We know what you’re probably thinking: “Oh come on! I’ve had my fridge for a good long while, and it hasn’t failed me yet.” To which there is the following response: Yes, but you do need to be prepared on the off chance that it does sometime in the near future. As you may have guessed, the aforementioned Fiscal Times article does provide some answers. And the answer tend to wildly vary, but two of the six premium choices were Kenmore Elite models.

So here are the coolest kitchen appliances that came out this year. Make of them what you will, but we encourage you to give ‘em the old college try.