
Common Renovation Design Ideas For Your Home

If you are a homeowner, your home plays an unusual role in your life. It is both a consumer experience and an investment. This makes the right design choices particularly important. Ideally, you want them to do double duty and serve both to enhance your quality of life in the here and now and to improve the resale value for the future. Here are a few ideas to do both.

Bring it Up to Standard

If most homes in your neighborhood have a covered parking deck and yours does not, add it. Or if most homes have a second bathroom and yours only has one, then put in a second bath. This will be the best way to improve the resale value and is likely to also be a good move in terms of quality of life.

Renovate the Kitchen

The kitchen is the heart of the home. More than any other room, it has a great many built in features that are critical to its function. This causes it to rapidly be dated. Updating the kitchen is one of the most surefire ways to improve both your quality of life now and your resale value later.

Update or Add a Bathroom

Bathrooms are another area of the home that has a lot of built in features, is critical to quality of life and gets rapidly outdated. Some companies, like Parkview Homes, realize that kitchen and bath renovations are two of the most reliable ways to add to personal comfort while improving your bottom line. Making your second bathroom a master bathroom can be a means to add some personal luxury and privacy in the process of improving your home’s resale value.

Improve Your Carbon Footprint

Whether you add insulation, storm windows or solar panels, investing in features that reduce your carbon footprint can help pay for themselves — often, while you still there — and make life better. Adding your own green energy source can do more than alleviate existential guilt about what we are doing to the environment. It can also be an unexpected joy to come home to a house in working order while the rest of the neighborhood is suffering through a blackout.

For most American homeowners, the equity in their house represents more than half of their retirement nest egg. For such individuals, it is both wise and critical to their future financial health to handle home improvements with an eye towards improving resale value.