
Common Health Problems Associated With The Eyes That You Might Not Be Aware Of

Common Health Problems Associated With The Eyes That You Might Not Be Aware Of

More than any other part of the body, you probably use your eyes more than anything else. Even when you’re sleeping, your eyes are constantly moving. Despite their constant use, though, your eyes are sensitive and prone to a variety of conditions that can range from relatively benign to being serious threats to your vision.


Blelpharitis is a condition where the eyelids become inflamed, red, and itchy. There can also be a production on dandruff-like scales on the eyeslashes. It’s usually caused by bacteria or a variety of skin conditions like rosacea. While it’s not contagious and doesn’t cause any permanent damage to the eyes, it can be quite uncomfortable and unsightly. Symptoms include burning sensations, feeling like there’s dirt in the eye, swollen eyelids, excess tears, and crusting on the eyelids.

Warm compresses can help with discomfort and remove the crusts forming on the eye. Doctors might prescribe antibiotics if there’s bacteria involved, or they may prescribe an artificial tear solution to lubricate the eyeball.


At the onset, a chalazion is a slow forming lump that develops because of a blockage or swelling in an oil gland in the eyelid. Adults are more frequently diagnosed than children, and it seems to be more common in people ages 30 to 50. It will start as a red and tender area of the eyelid that slowly increases in size. You might experience burning in the eye, increased tear production, or blurred vision, although none of these effects are permanent.

According to the American Optometric Association, most chalazia can be treated at home, but they normally resolve by themselves in a few weeks or a month. You can speed healing by applying a warm compress to the eyelid four to six times a day for 15 minutes. The warmth will help soften the hardened oil blocking the duct. Light massage on the area can also encourage the gland to drain. If it hasn’t healed within a month, you should see your eye doctor.

Age Related Cataracts

Cataracts are the leading cause of preventable blindness, particularly when they’re age related. You might notice blurring of the vision and a frequent need to change your eyeglass prescription. Cataract surgery is the most effective treatment option. Your doctor will remove the natural lens of the eye and put in an artificial lens.

If cataracts aren’t treated, they can quickly progress into other eye conditions. According to Dr. Anand at icliniq, the most common damage caused is lens induced glaucoma. Glaucoma causes severe pain and can even result in permanent nerve damage to the optic nerve. The best way to prevent advanced cataracts? See your doctor annually to catch it as soon as it develops, particularly if you’re over 40. The longer the cataract is left in the eye, the higher the risk for vision complications and permanent damage.

Your eyes are your most valuable sense. Seeing your eye doctor regularly if you ever have any concerns is the best way to ensure you protect this precious gift and enjoy having healthy sight far into the future.