
Coffee, Caffeine and Health – Drink Coffee Is This Good or Bad For Health

Coffee, Caffeine and Health - Drink Coffee Is This Good or Bad For Health

Do you have the habit of regularly drink coffee? How many cups in drink you each day? In recent years many articles have been written about coffee and its impact on human health.

May have you heard many people say that the coffee, although it is a natural product, is bad for health, that caffeine is a poison for the heart, for diabetics, and it promotes the development of certain cancers. Most recently, scientific research have shown that drinking regular coffee helps to prevent Alzheimer’s disease.

A total confusion settled in the spirit of coffee lovers.

Depending on your taste, you enjoy enjoy a tasty espresso coffee, a ristretto coffee, a cappuccino, a café crème or a Turkish coffee. However, the idea of exposing yourself to serious diseases through a daily consumption of coffee you worries a little, which is quite understandable.

So, who is telling the truth on the benefits or dangers of caffeine and coffee daily tastings?

This article composed in 4 parts is the point on the pros and cons on health to consume so much appreciated this ‘red berries nectar’ aroma.

Know differentiate the caffeine in coffee and take account of all of its components

It is important to understand that some scientific studies attempt to explain the specific effects of caffeine. As you very well know, coffee contains a certain amount. However caffeine is just one of many components in roasted coffee beans.

Analytical becoming more accurate, the aromatic compounds in coffee increase each year. Today, the number is significantly higher than 800 !

Thus a study on the effects of CAFFEINE is different from a study on the properties of the entire Café.

When it comes to talk about the effects of caffeine in coffee and the consequences on health, another factor to consider is the variety of coffee consumed (there are two: coffeaarabica and coffearobusta) and how to prepare it.

>> Bio of the Peru coffee

>> Bio of the Mexico coffee

>> Organic ground coffee of Ethiopia

The amount of caffeine in a cup of coffee consumed varies considerably depending on the variety of coffee and its preparation. Coffee arabica( 1 to 1.5% of caffeine-containing) contain 3 times less than the robusta beans (which contain 2.5 to 4.5% )).

Among the more than 800 substances it contains, coffee contains carbohydrates, lipids, vitamins (B1, B2, B9, E, PP), minerals (sodium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, iron), and carotene.

The effects of coffee on the body especially were studied in three spheres of Pathology: the diabetes mellitus (effect on the blood sugar and insulin resistance), cancer and the adrenal glands.

The following guest blog story is offered by Karen H Cole. is one of the preferred blog writers on health and wellbeing market. For more information regarding mental health benefits, check out health tips for men weblog.