
Cease The Wrinkles: Try Best Solutions

Cease The Wrinkles: Try Best Solutions

Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder — that’s what philosophers say! Consumers, however, want to hold timeless beauty in their hands. So much so that, according to the global market intelligence company, Euromonitor International, every person spends US$ 64 on the average on beauty and personal care products.

It isn’t hard to imagine though that the more resources people have, the more likely they are to grow their spending on products that they think will make them look younger and more appealing. That’s exactly is the reason why the Asian markets, where spending power is on the rise, will be the next driver of the multibillion dollar industry. To date, the global skincare market alone is worth US$ 111 billion, according to the same report.

How much are you willing to Pay for Ageless Skin?

Tell you what — it doesn’t matter if you’re willing to spend as much as a US$ 100,000 or just under US$ 20 to keep your skin wrinkle-free. You know why? That’s because, at the end of the day, it’s not just an Encante Serum or a facial rejuvenation treatment that will decide what kind of skin you will yield as you get older.

Below are the 10 best solutions that you can combine to stop your skin from wrinkling and aging too soon:

1. 7 to 9 hours of sleep every night. No amount of essence or number of sessions of skin resurfacing can ever beat the power of sleep to heal, energize and repair your skin. Allow yourself to enjoy the benefits of a deep, restful sleep night after night. Soon enough, you will notice how much your pores are tighter, your puffy eyes appear much less frequently and your skin is bright and radiant the moment you get up from bed.

2. Cleanse, tone and exfoliate. Three basics in keeping your skin clean and clear of blemishes and skin impurities that you should never miss out on. Cleanse and tone day and night. Exfoliate twice weekly. You need these to clear your skin of damaged top layers that allow your skincare products to penetrate skin more deeply while also tricking your skin cells to cut-short the length of time it takes to make skin cell turnover happen.

3. Protect your skin. Don’t leave your skin to wilt from UV nor be overrun by cell-damaging free radicals. Sunscreen and antioxidants are your first line of defense from skin aging so make sure you have these on you all the time.

4. Fold in anti-aging products in your daily and nightly routines. Aging skin requires a more highly specialized care which basic skincare products will be unable to provide for. Aging skin gradually begins to fall short and lack many things from sufficient moisture levels to antioxidants to energy to skin barrier protection. Let products like Encante Serum help you make up for these losses, just make sure not to use harsh products that can likely damage your delicate, aging skin.

5. Employ home-based skincare procedures. Whether it is a simple facial exfoliation brush or a micro-needling pen, certain devices combine comfort, inexpensiveness and efficacy of skin treatments that are available within your reach.

6. Clinical, non-surgical procedures. These days, when it comes to skincare procedures, aesthetic surgery, because of the risks involved, should always only be taken as a last resort. For anti-aging skincare, favor non-invasive and minimally invasive procedures such as radio therapy treatment, laser skin resurfacing, plasma skin resurfacing, chemical peels, cryotherapy, and dermal and soft-tissue fillers.

7. Hydrate well. The best moisture you can give your body is by drinking plenty of fluids and eating plenty of fresh produce that have high amounts of water in them.

8. Eat well. Don’t skip meals because that only deprives your body of the energy it needs for repair and rejuvenation. Eat in moderation. Studies have linked longevity to a restricted calorie diet.

9. Be more physically active. Put an end to getting too much onscreen, chair or couch time. Go out and walk more, take the stairs more often, and drive around less.

10. Stop stressing out. It’s nice that you always try your best to keep to your deadlines but, you only have so much energy to expend so plan your energy, not your time.


Ageless skin requires very little money and rather a huge personal commitment to treat your body (and your skin) well.