
Can Herbal Remedies Really Offer Strong Health Benefits?

Herbal supplements and natural remedies have been on the market in one form or another for thousands of years, yet are still thrown into debate on a regular basis in terms of their true benefits. While there’s no disputing the way in which herbs can be good for you, the public as a whole doesn’t appear convinced that anything natural in any kind of concentration can ever be as powerful as manmade synthetic alternativesi.e. drugs.

There’s no knocking the way in which modern medicine has produced some of the most incredibly world-changing medicines, treatment methods and outright cures with a level of effectiveness above and beyond anything else on Earth. But at the same time, doctors and scientists continue to favour and recommend preventative medicine as the very best approach of all.

Or in other words, keep your body in the best possible condition and with a bit of luck, you’ll scarcely need to resort to manmade and often dangerous treatments.

Powerful Preventative Products

This is precisely where herbal supplements and products come into the equation as while no rational person would ever suggest that a cancer patient could find an outright cure in their herb garden, a person can minimise their own risk of contracting even the most terrifying of diseases with simple herbal remedies and supplements.

The simple fact of the matter is that herbal preparations have been used for thousands of years longer than anything conventional medicine has given birth to. Needless to say therefore, this is more than sufficient time to find out exactly what herbs can and cannot do beyond reasonable doubt. To suggest that herbs can or will ever replace conventional medicine as a whole would probably be taking things a little too far – the very best outcome of all would be a world that uses all available options to their full extend and in harmony with one another.

So doing away with the theory side of things for a moment, what kinds of conditions do we know without any shadow of doubt that herbs can help with?

Cardiovascular Disease

Heart disease continues to represent the bigger killer of adults in the western world today and has the potential to strike at any age. There are plenty of known triggers for heart disease including unhealthy and generally sedentary lifestyle, but in terms of putting up the best possible defense against such life-threating illness, herbs can certainly play a role. Examples like garlic, alfalfa and kelp have proven extremely effective in laboratory tests – those consuming larger quantities of such herbs on a regular basis were found to have significantly lower risks of heart disease.

Respiratory Problems

Research carried out over the course of several decades has also illustrated just how powerful herbs can be in the prevention of a great many common respiratory problems. Conditions like asthma and bronchitis for example are still extraordinarily common up and down the country, with the medical community as a whole still having discovered no ‘silver bullet’ cure or preventative treatment option. But at the same time, herbs like dandelion and eucalyptus have been used for centuries to help alleviate respiratory health issues and continue to show great promise today.


There are even some medicinal herbs that have been strongly linked with the prevention of various types of cancer, along with the slowing of tumour progression and growth in patients already suffering from the disease. Garlic and dandelion for example come highly recommended as preventative measures against cancer, while fennel has shown particular strength in helping reduce a person’s risk of developing prostate cancer.

Digestive Problems

For those looking to ward off digestive problems or perhaps combat a chronic digestive issue already making life problematic, herbs like parsley and mint have been tried and trusted for generations. Taken separately as supplements or added to largely any food or drink, the difference these simple and delicious herbs can make is quite exceptional.

Skin Complaints

Last but not least, it’s no secret that a healthy diet represents the most pivotal contributory factor to clean, clear and healthy skin. A wide variety of herbs including turmeric, mint, basil and aloe have over the years proved extremely effective in contributing to healthier skin and minimising outbreaks of acne, eczema and a myriad of other common skin complaints.

As with all supplements across the board, it’s important to seek advice prior to starting a new course and also to source the products from the most responsible provider on the market.