
Buying Mobility Scooters Second Hand – Is It A Good Idea?

One of the most commonly-asked questions on the subject of walking aids in general is that of how safe it is to buy and use second-hand mobility scooters. With every passing month, the number of used scooters on the UK market once again takes a massive leap skyward as people sell-on and trade-up their scooters for newer and more advanced models. This has resulted in second-hand scooter market with literally tens of thousands of scooters up for grabs, ranging from those that are practically given away to others that are staggeringly expensive.

So, in terms of the actual safety of owning and operating these scooters, what’s the truth about second-hand? Is there really anything to worry about, or is it just a case of making incredible savings on essential mobility aids that are up for grabs for rock-bottom prices?

Purchase Options

Well, the simple answer to the question is that it all comes down to where you choose to buy your scooter from, as opposed to which scooter you buy. For example, right now there are plenty of reputable scooter stores and online dealers which specialise largely in used scooters for sale. In the majority of instances, these scooters will have been extensively refurbished in order to ensure not only their proper performance, but optimum safety to boot. In these instances, the savings made by comparison to their original purchase prices tend to be generous enough, though are far from staggering. Nevertheless, chances are they will also be sold with at least a short-term warranty, which means that if it turns out that there is in fact something wrong with it, you’ll be able to take it back no questions asked.

By contrast, if you were to choose to buy a second-hand scooter from any random person on the street or online, you really have no idea what you are buying. Even with all the pictures and promises in the world, there’s no real way of knowing how the scooter has been treated, how many times it has broken down or whether or not it’s even remotely safe to use. Sure, it might look the part and be up for grabs for a bargain price, but this is hardly the most important consideration where there’s health and safety on the line. If it’s not from an approved dealer and doesn’t come with all necessary paperwork and some kind of warranty, you’re rolling the dice with fate.

Getting the Best Deal

The good news however is that if you decide to buy from any registered and reputable dealer, chances are you’ll find yourself pretty well spoilt for choice when it comes to available options. These days, it’s more common than not for those looking to upgrade their scooters to part-exchange them against the price of a newer model. What’s more, by shopping online with a leading web retailer, you’ll also save money compared to buying in a standard store.

Just be sure to check the reputation and background of the seller you’ll be buying from before you go ahead and make the purchase, just to be sure.

A Helping Hand

Nobody would ever wish to have to spend the rest of their life reliant on walking aids or mobility scooters, though it remains a reality a huge majority of people will eventually face. This is why it’s never a bad idea for family members and close friends to perhaps take the initiative and lend a helping hand to those they care about. If it appears someone you know is in denial and is unwilling to ask for help, it could be in their best interests to take the first step on their behalf.

Mobility scooters may not be desirable lifestyle aids, but it’s not until any given person actually brings one into their life that they can truly appreciate how life-changing they can be. It’s one thing to put your pride and perhaps a little stubbornness before most things, but it’s another entirely to turn down the kind of help and assistance that can help you retain your independence and generally keep control of your own life.

It often feels as though accepting this kind of long-term help is a little like admitting defeat and letting your age or health get the better of you. Realistically however, you are in fact refusing to let either of these things get in the way of your enjoyment of life and the independence you value, so to turn it down is really to do yourself no favours at all.

It’s a somewhat bitter pill to swallow, but it’s one that could in many ways save your life.