
Being’s Back on Track: Highest Stock Rate

Boeing is turning from adversity which lasting for several periods back to the glory. Boeing has a serious achievement through their fights against decadences.

Boeing’s stock has gained to 65 per cent since CEO Dennis Muilenberg took the leadership on July 2015. Boeing has booked about US$ 1.76 Billion of net profit in the second quarter of 2017 which is far better than the loss of about US$234 million experienced last year. Along with that, Boeing’s stock has gained by 10 per cent and hit the highest level on the US stock exchanges on 26th July 2017. As it’s closed, Boeing’s stock are in level US$ 233.45 per stock.

Despite of Wall Street estimation, financial performances of Boeing are far beyond. Rob Stallard of Vertical Research Partners suggests that this US giant aircraft company is about perfect. With such solid financial performance, Boeing announced it will contribute four years into its pension fund over the next three months. It means that Boeing will put about US$ 3.5 billion into their pension fund.

The key factors of this rapid growth are their production increases and Boeing’s commercial jetliner sales rates. Jetliners are recently being popular again among the Airlines. It’s a brilliant breakthrough as the previous years they’ve failed to gain surplus while they partly rely on military plane sales

. It’s interesting to anaylse the Boeing’s progress on 2017. In April, Boeing have homed their hundreds of engineers and staffs despite of slow plane delivery and low rate of sales. After that, Boeing signed a contract valued US$ 16,6 billion with Iran.  But, in May, Boeing signed a commercial and military contract with Saudi Arabia. Although it was not clear explained about the total amount, the military contract including Helicopter Chinook CH-47F, military equipments.