
Back in Control: 5 Reasons To Quit Porn Today

Sadly, pornography has become an almost ubiquitous part of our culture. Right now, PornHub is the 37th most popular website in the world. Anyone at any age can easily find limitless erotic videos posted all over the Internet. While porn promises so much, it often destroys addicts’ careers, families, and psyches. In response to pornography’s corrosive effects on people’s lives, many young men are supporting a porn-free lifestyle. Below, we’ll go over five of the best reasons you should seriously learn how to quit porn and free yourself from this vice. All of the suggestions listed below are backed by thousands of testimonials and scientific studies.

1. Improve Your Relationship with Your Partner

Pornography makes it more difficult for people to get aroused by just one partner. Of course, porn by its very nature encourages novelty. This can make it difficult for a porn addict to connect emotionally and physically with their partner. Porn addicts have a challenging time settling down and starting a family. Anyone who truly wants to get married and have a family must get over their addiction to pornography ASAP.

2. Decrease Risk of Sexual Dysfunction

People who watch porn are at a greater risk of developing sexual dysfunctions like premature ejaculation, difficulty achieving orgasm, and erectile dysfunction. Interestingly, many people who watch porn also become more disinterested in sex in the “real world.” By contrast, men who abstain from porn for just a few months report a healthier libido and improved sexual satisfaction with one partner.

3. Reduce Damage to Brain

There’s no doubt about it, pornography literally rewires your brain. Researchers have actually found that porn addicts’ brains are smaller than normal brains. Also, porn addicts’ brains have weaker connections in the regions of the brain associated with the expectation of rewards. These are the same brain regions that shrink in people with clinical depression and alcoholics. People addicted to pornography are also at a greater risk of developing symptoms related to ADD and ADHD.

4. Save Time and Energy

When you’re watching porn, you’re wasting a ton of precious time and energy. Most addicts spend between four to fifteen hours per week watching porn online. That’s a lot of time you could’ve spent on positive activities like working out, studying, or spending quality time with your family. Without the crutch of pornography, you’ll find you have more vitality and more time to devote yourself to constructive projects.

5. Improved Self-Esteem

People who watch porn regularly are at a higher risk of developing psychological conditions like generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety, and even psychosis. Due to the taboos surrounding porn addiction, many people are ashamed to even to talk about their addiction, which often heightens their depression symptoms. These feelings of self-loathing and worthlessness often lead an addict to turn away from close family and friends. Sadly, many people who are extremely addicted to porn end up resorting to drugs like heroin to achieve a similar high to when they started their addiction. It’s not hyperbolic to say that porn addiction could cost a person his/her life.

While the temptation is immense, you should know that many people have successfully overcome porn addiction and are out there to help you. The most important thing you can do to reduce porn craving is to install a reputable web blocker onto your computer so you won’t be able to get on pornographic sites. It’s also important to spend time with friends and family, keep hydrated, exercise regularly, and practice some form of stress-reduction. There are plenty of people who’ve overcome porn addiction using meditation, yoga, Tai Chi, and other soothing mindfulness techniques. There are hundreds of ways you can take the positive steps to reduce your porn cravings. Don’t let porn control your life!