Are Students Prepared For Industry?

The current education system has seen dramatic changes with the advent of technology and advancements. Most of the graduate colleges aim to prepare their students to get a well-paying job after wards. The increase in competition has also brought several changes. However, the education system going in the colleges is still not responding to the needs of the corporate world. The students are ill-prepared as compared to the company standards. In India, in most of the colleges, there is more emphasis on theoretical knowledge and students practice based on the theory they have learnt. In India, one of the biggest employing industry is IT but when students first enter to the IT industry, they are almost negligent to the practices that are followed. It makes it difficult for the new hires to learn quickly and thus creating a need of IT professionals to train them to make them ready for the job.
In most of the companies, before the graduates are assigned to some project, they are given rigorous training by the companies. Along with the practical knowledge to be delivered, they are taught on the company etiquettes. This has become a routine for the bigger companies, however, in smaller companies, due to lack of funds, there is no such training. These companies thus tend to hire someone who has experience and thus leaving fewer options for the new graduates. If the graduate schools rather than transferring theoretical knowledge also put emphasis on teaching the practical understanding, the students can get many more opportunities in the industry.
Here is an example to explain the situation of the students, a guy who used to top his semester exams from the beginning. He was highly knowledgeable as per his teachers and he always used to be excelling in each and every subject. He was favourite of all of his mentors in college, everybody used to say that he would be future star of any company that hires him. He was also quite confident to get a satisfying job. However, contrary to the expectation, he did not get a job. From the interviews, he realised that he lacked the practical knowledge that was being asked by all the companies. Some 6 months passed and all his hard work to find a job was in vein. Then after sometime, someone asked him to join a technical course and he started working with it and soon after that he got selected with a big brand. Everyone was surprised to know that a merit student had to undertake another path to secure success with the placement. However, they did not realise that it was the practical knowledge that the student was lacking. No matter how good you score it is very important to have practical knowledge about the technology. Although the industry does not expect experts from the college level but yes, it expects you to know the basics of it so that they can train you and assign you into a real time project.
When a college student starts job hunting, that phase of life is very difficult for him as it requires interim patience if you are trying your luck off-campus. And if you are not trying in a very big firm your stipend would be even lesser than a labourer. There is expectation that your work should be up to a mark however, you are not paid as per your efforts in the work. The reason behind this is again the training that the company is providing. A company has a pre-decided budget of investment in a candidate. If a company has to spend money on training, then definitely there will be lesser pay incentives to the candidates. If the student is already qualified to bring value to the company, then the training time and money is invested directly into the candidate. As a result, the whole process of education system affects a student’s life.
A student can also take career guidance from the experts on the matter on how to gain maximum benefit from the education they receive at the college’s end. This can help the student to take right decision from the beginning of their career and also help them choose the right skills which are in demand in the industry.