
Are Bigger And Heavier Vehicles Really Safer?

Are bigger vehicles really safer than smaller ones? In the last few decades there has been a significant rise in the amount of small or even miniature vehicles sharing the roadways but are they really safe? One can look at vehicles like the Smart car or Mini Coopers and be perplexed as to how they can have good safety ratings. The truth of the matter is that in a larger vehicle you are safer than in a smaller one and these are the reasons why. Driving is definitely one of the most dangerous things we do every day. That is why it is essential for us to have the safest vehicle possible. However, we can’t completely avoid so if you are ever in a car accident it is a good idea to contact a lawyer such as a Boise, ID Car Accident Lawyer. Although we can’t completely avoid accidents we can understand the reasoning behind the safety of cars. Here are some details to help you get started.


Because more forces will inevitably work upon the smaller object when two collide, the smaller vehicle in a crash will be more susceptible to damage than the larger. It’s simple physics! As a large SUV smashes into a miniature vehicle the smaller vehicle will compress against the larger and then be flung aside. These extra forces acting on the smaller vehicle mean more motion for it to take in the end and the passengers being tossed around more and sustaining more injury. For example if an NFL Offensive lineman comes barreling straight toward a skinny child the skinny child is going to get hurt. That is definitely a risk that you face when you choose to drive a smaller vehicle. Although it is pretty clear that small vehicles are more dangerous, they are actually fairly common. Smart Cars and Priuses sell every year. Do the advantages of those small cars really outweigh the lack of safety?

The Crush Zone

The length of your car actually accounts for a lot of the safety it provides. In short vehicles the driver and passengers are a lot closer to the impact area and therefor sustain more injury. Even in less impact crashes you are more likely to get injured if you are closer to the impact area. The front of your vehicle is called the crush zone. If your car has a long front end or is what might be referred to as a “boat” you are actually far safer than if not. The front end of your car folds in on itself to alleviate impact from the passengers of a vehicle. With a smaller crush zone your vehicle is actually less safe than if it were longer. The longer your car, the more room you have to let your car be squished instead of you. When there is more length in your vehicle there is also a lot more materials and a lot more area to lessen the impact. It really is amazing how much of a difference it can make.

Safety Rating

A cars safety rating is in regards to that cars size class. Therefore, the cars are tested against one another and not cars of larger size classes. In the case of small cars colliding with larger ones the driver of the smaller vehicle is more likely to incur severe or fatal injury. This occurrence is due to the cab of the smaller vehicle not being able to sustain such high levels of impact and caving in on itself. Crash test ratings are not a true grade of your vehicles level of safety. When it comes to buying a new car it is always a good idea to ask about the car’s safety ratings fist thing. You always want to make sure that you are always comparing safety ratings before you buy a new car. This is especially important if you have a family. It is essential that you do all that you can to keep your family as safe as he can.

Overall, smaller cars are not as safe as larger heavier vehicles.  No matter what you will always be safer driving a bigger vehicle. However small cars do have a lot of advantages. All you have to do is find the best possible car for you.