
Aging: Staying Independent With The Appropriate Medical Supplies

Aging: Staying Independent With The Appropriate Medical Supplies

The term ‘chronological age’ often refers to the actual biological age of the body. The term ‘psychological age’ often refers to the age of the mind (or how old you think you feel). As individuals age their chronological and psychological age often don’t match. Many times the chronological age of an individual is much older than the psychological age. This creates a difficult scenario for older individuals who want to remain independent.

Since there is a contrast between the biological and psychological age, older individuals often believe they are capable of many more tasks than they actually are. This is evidenced in things as exercise or household chores. Older individuals often find that the body doesn’t keep up with the distance they hoped to walk, or with the chores they hoped to accomplish. The mail box stays full for several days and the dishes and cat litter don’t get the necessary attention they deserve. For older individuals it becomes more and more challenging to accomplish daily tasks and even live in the home without assistance.

All too often, individuals entering the geriatric population struggle to accept the fact that their psychological age is much younger that their chronological age. When this disparity occurs, they often experience different forms of anger, depression, or guilt. Sometimes this also creates medical problems or turns the individual’s attention away from addressing their health concerns. If you notice this is happening to you or someone you care for, it is imperative to make sure they have the appropriate help.

One way to make sure older individuals have the best help is to ensure they understand and have the appropriate medical supplies. Teaching individuals to utilize and have medical supplies on hand is the most critical component of fostering independence for as long as possible. This is because an individual’s ability to maintain their own health is directly related to their own independence. Once their health deteriorates, so does their ability to be independent.

Stock Up on Medical Supplies

In the event an older individual has a simple medical problem, medical supplies help them function without the assistance of a CNA or caregiver. There are certain medical supplies many can’t live without. Foster their health by getting plenty of Over the Counter (OTC) drugs, medical tape, deodorant, ace wraps, bandage wraps, antiseptic wipes, tooth paste, etc. Although it is almost impossible to store up long term on prescription drugs, one can still get essential medical supplies for first aid.

Here are some recommended Medical supplies and OTC drugs:

● Acetomenophine

● Benadryl

● Multivitamins

● Metamucil

● Triple Antibiotic Ointment

● Rubbing Alcohol

● Hydrogen Peroxide

● Bandage Wraps (multiple sizes)

● Vaseline

● Air Purifier Filter

●First Aid Book! – Important

A first aid book is also important to assist with basic medical tasks. If the individual isn’t sure how to dress a small wound or when and how to take acetaminophen, a first aid book is the perfect reference for these questions; and it doesn’t require a trip to the hospital.

When an individual is struggling with their chronological biological age, medical difficulties can arise. The Appropriate medical supplies will also foster long term health. Something as simple as applying a simple antiseptic ointment, encourages fast healing and prevention for long term health concerns. A simple cut can get infected and turn into a blood borne disease if you aren’t knowledgeable about your supplies and how to use them.

When stocking up, or helping someone else stock up, always check the expiration date on medical supplies before buying. Many times items such as ibuprofen will expire in 6 months. If you forage in the medical aisle, you can find drugs that don’t expire for several years.