
ADN To MSN Degree Programs

The Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) is similar to the Associate of Science in Nursing (ASN) degree. These academic designations are tertiary education degrees. They typically take between two and three years to complete. Awarded by community colleges and nursing schools, they enable nurses to apply for licensure as a registered nurse (RN).

The Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) is a graduate level degree for registered nurses. It is generally considered an entry level degree for nurse managers and educators. It prepares nurses for careers in clinical nursing, administration and policy-making.

ADN to MSN degree programs help nurses move from an associate degree in nursing to a master’s degree. They are designed to empower nursing passion and professionalism. While many schools offer online programs that move the ADN degree to an MSN degree, the University of San Francisco (USF) is certainly at the forefront.

 USF, a private Jesuit university in San Francisco, California, was one of the first schools to offer an RN to MSN online degree. Today, nurses can exchange their ADN for an MSN through a comprehensive online degree program. Both programs emphasize communication, consultation, alliance-building, collaboration, holistic health care and leadership skills.

Schools like USF understand the demands and challenges that nurses face in every aspect of life: home, school, work, relationships and more. Their online degree programs feature flexible schedules that fit into the busy lives of nurses. Most students can complete the coursework and earn a degree in about two years.

Many online nursing programs approach patient care holistically. This innovative approach transcends the traditional boundaries of nursing. Nurses can use their new leadership skills in various nursing roles, from bedside to managerial care.

The online curriculum includes foundational, core and elective courses. The topics range from writing and research to policy and ethics – and everything in between. Students also learn practical ways to transition from their ADN degree to a master’s degree in nursing.

The MSN aims to empower nurses through leadership skills, business practices and evidence-based applications. For those who want to improve health care at the local, national or global levels, an online program that moves an associate degree to a master’s degree is definitely something to consider.