
Accidents Happen: 5 Things To Do After The Crash

Accidents Happen: 5 Things To Do After The Crash

Those few days immediately following a car crash are often a blur. Drivers and passengers that have been injured must focus on their recovery, but it is also important to consider the long-term consequences of a collision and what you can do to protect your future.

1. Make Sure Everyone Is Safe

Every person that is involved in a car crash should make sure that all other parties are safe and an ambulance has been called if anyone is injured. Delaying this step for even just a few hours could result in major medical problems or a fatality.

2. Start Collecting Information

After you have made sure that everyone is taken care of, then it is time to contact the police and start collecting as much information as possible. The minimum amount of information that must be shared between each driver is their contact information and insurance information. You should also take pictures of the wreck if possible and get the contact information of any witnesses and police officers that were involved.

3. Refrain From Giving Away Too Much Information

It is never a bad idea to remain polite and ensure everyone is okay, but it can be a grave mistake to start admitting guilt or even mentioning that you might be at fault. All of these conversations can be used at a later time to build a case against you even if you were not at fault.

4. Notify Your Insurance Provider

While every company is different, most drivers only have a few days to notify their insurance provider that they have been in a car crash. Much like the other drivers and police officers, you should state only the facts and give as little information as possible. Even your own insurance provider can use this information to avoid paying you compensation.

5. Contact an Attorney

Any driver that has been involved in a car crash that has resulted in injuries should contact an attorney from a firm such as The Johnston Law Firm, LLC. Even a minor injury can complicate these cases, and drivers can rest assured that all other parties will be hoping to give them as little compensation as possible no matter who was at fault.

Car crashes are both stressful and unexpected. Carrying out these few steps will allow you to move through these events as quickly as possible while receiving the compensation that you deserve.