
A Small Guide To The JEE Main Exam

The JEE Main, followed by the JEE Advance, is probably one of the most well-known entrance exams that are held in the country. Also known as the Joint Entrance Examination, this exam is a national level exam and is conducted by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE).

Why do Students Attempt the JEE Exams?

Engineering colleges in India long ago decided that maybe the 12th Board exams are not the best measure for a student’s engineering aptitude. As a result, colleges started holding their own entrance exams, resulting in quite a number of tests being held. Later, many of these exams were consolidated into a few national level and state level tests, of which JEE managed to reach the top. To maintain their autonomy, the IITs added another level of tests (JEE Advanced) to the JEE Main, but the Main scores are accepted at a number of institutions, including the NITs, IIITs, and other centrally funded technical institutions.

About JEE Main

This test is conducted in two parts, Paper I and Paper II. Paper I, for B.E. and B. Tech is conducted in both online (computer based) and offline (paper-pen based) modes. Paper II (B. Arch/B. Planning), on the other hand, is conducted only in the offline mode. The applications for JEE Main 2018 will start sometime in December 2017, the admit cards should be out in March 2018, and the exam itself will be in April 2018.

What to expect

Paper I will consist of 90 questions, with 30 each from Math, Physics and Chemistry. Each question carries a maximum of 4 marks and the total maximum marks are 360. These will be objective type questions with multiple choices and incorrect answers will attract negative marking. Paper II also has three sections, Mathematics, with 30 objective type questions; Aptitude, with 50 objective type questions, and Drawing, with 2 questions. The marks for each correct answer will be written next to the questions.

After the Results

After the ranks are announced for the JEE Main exam, students can prepare for their next step. The students who manage to get the required rank to qualify for the JEE Advanced will need to begin preparing for those exams. For others, it will be the time to prepare for counseling sessions. You will be required to fill out the form with your preference of colleges. The higher your All India Rank is the higher are your chances of getting into the college of your choice. You could try for admissions to the NITs, IIITs, and GFTIs, and a number of other esteemed institutions.

Some Preparation Tips

The JEE Main is one of the toughest exams in the country and sees a lot of aspirants attempting it every year. However, this doesn’t mean that you need to get disheartened. A good strategy and some prep tips can really help you get your head in the game.

Subjective Learning

Realize that the JEE Main has three different sections and each section would need a different learning strategy. With Physics and Math, you would need to concentrate on the formulae and understand their derivations, while in Chemistry you’d have to pay attention to the applications. Divide your syllabus in the time you have and pay special attention to the high scoring topics.

Practice Makes Perfect

Practice all you study, revise, and do as many mock tests as you can. Previous years’ papers and mock tests help you understand the mode of the exam well. Plus, they can also help you time your speed in answering questions within the stipulated time.

All Work and No Play

Just because the JEE is going to be a tough nut to crack, doesn’t mean that you spend all your time on preparing. Take enough breaks and maintain a balance in your studying and your social life.

Sleep well, eat well, and study hard; the JEE Mains isn’t an impossibility.