
6 Timeless Beauty Tricks For Busy Women

6 Timeless Beauty Tricks For Busy Women

Ask anybody and the typical picture you would have a go-getting, career woman is a picture of a perfectly groomed woman who is in a hurry to get to her next thing whether it be for a meeting to close a multi-million dollar deal or to drinks with the girls. Large companies from all over the world are slowly being taken over by boss ladies who are running things all the while having perfectly manicured nails. How do these women do it? Why don’t they look like a hot mess at the end of the day?

Below are some of the best tips for beauty on the go, for skin care in a pinch and for looking like Beyonce. Whether it’s tipped for how to make your eyebrows look on fleek every-single-time to removing bags under eyes after a night of finishing a business presentation these tips will help you look great no matter how busy you are.

1. Invest in Good Quality Beauty Tools

Everybody loves a good bargain. Proof of this is the fact that beauty dupe lists are just as ubiquitous as recipes on Pinterest. And why not, right? Who spends $200 on a bottle of foundation when you can buy one that’s just as good (if not better) at $30? There are times however when investing in good quality beauty tools are worth the price tag. The better quality tool may cost twice as much, but it will afford you more time to run the world and kick ass at work. Below are just some of the ways in which better quality tools can save you time.

Invest in great quality hair dryers – we’ve all been there, trying to dry hair for 30 minutes or so. Well, we’re here to tell you that blow dryers that dry your hair in 5-10 minutes exist in the world. They may cost up to $200, but if you’re looking to cut down your morning routine considerably, this hefty investment might just be worth it.

Invest in good quality make up and makeup tools – Great quality make up can allow you just to swipe once and be done with it. Great quality makes up tools can also cut your prep time considerably. The Beauty Blender, for example, has many cheaper dupes, but one thing remains—the original Beauty Blender blends makeup much more efficiently.

2. Find a Work Worthy Bold Lip Color

Nothing pulls a look together than a bold lip color. If you have pretty clear skin, all you will need is to dry your hair (with your $200 hair dryer of course!) swipe on some mascara and put on that bold lipstick and you’re done. If you’re EXTRA pressed for time, you can skip drying your hair and tie it up in a slick bun.

3. Organize Your Tools

Having to search for stuff while you do your make up can take up time. Sure, that first time you have to look for your blush brush took you a minute or two, but these things add up. Organizing your things can expedite your beauty routines by making things easier to find so not reaching into your dresser drawing flapping around there like a mad man.

Pro Tip: high-quality makeup and makeup tools are your best friend when it comes to hiding neck and chest wrinkles. Take some of your favorite foundation, dot some of it on your neck and chest and bounce away with a beauty blender!

4. Consider Semi-Permanent Brow and Lash Solutions

Ask any woman. Perfectly on fleek brows can take forever. Add to that the pain staking processing of applying layer upon layer of mascara; these two beauty steps can easily take about 30 minutes. Micro beading is the process of drawing/tattooing eyebrows in small thin strokes to mimic the natural appearance of eyebrow hair. The results, which may last up to 3 years, can help you achieve on fleek eyebrows without having to draw them on for 30 minutes every day. The same goes for semi-permanent lashes; the falsies mean that you won’t have to apply mascara at all for at least 30 days.

5. DIY Spa Treatments

A spa treat can surely help relieve stress for busy women, but it can be quite time-consuming. Cut the time, and the cost, considerably by buying your facemasks and doing a spa treatment at home. You can even do this with your girlfriends!

6. Use Exfoliating Soaps instead of Loofahs

It’s important to exfoliate regularly, but the process takes so much time! To save time, you might like to consider using mild acid soaps like glycolic acid soaps or salicylic acid soaps that exfoliate your skin without having to add that extra step of scrubbing your skin with a loofah! The same goes for the face; nuplenish are both moisturizing and exfoliating—a great two in one product!