
6 Simple Techniques To Multiply Your Haulage Contracts

There are some simple techniques that you can employ to make sure your legal agreements work smarter and not simply harder.

If you want to grow, you need to save. And while the old saying is that time is money, there is significant value in the truth that time cannot be recaptured. These techniques will save you time in growing your business acquisitions and contracts.


The clever key to picking up haulage contracts sits firmly in focusing on a market and image that will pinpoint the pertinent benefits for your vital and most important clients, instead of merely catering to generic and bland appeal. Since every business quickly develops a name in their market, they must shape this by branding and marketing, or it will be shaped by the competition. So even small to medium businesses must have a marketing strategy.

Data Management

Case-by-case management of your data and networks is vital when you are busy working on more routes and vehicles. You need to maximise haulage contracts so you must organise your data with minimum effort. One way to do this is to invest time and money on a smart online database of accredited partners, which will allow you to fill new jobs and serve clients with less fuss.


When deciding on your haulage contracts, it is useful to realise that choosing different types of vehicles to do a variety of jobs allows you to have the benefits and protection of diversification. Just as growing your fleet is the main way to build your business, a smart investment on different types of agreements allows for new profit margins and shared risk across an array of markets, providing the base for safe growth.


It does not matter if the heart and soul of your business is on the road, technology maximises the efficiency of your work, particularly in terms of growth. Signing haulage contracts using new tools gives you a way of saving both time and money. Time saved by online exchanges, GPS and real-time messenger apps, and digital document verification gives you the chance to multiply agreements.

Return Loads

You also create a chance to grow or stretch your profits every time a vehicle is about to return to the depot. Each of the agreements that you sign faces the potential curse of dead mileage. If you intelligently use contacts and online exchanges to fill up return loads you do not merely prevent lost fuel and vehicle wastage, you grow and increase profits.


If your set routes and clients begin to lag, it helps you explore new transport markets to bolster profits in other areas. This means not becoming too close to set routes. A plan to diversify into new routes or different types of vehicles allows you to maximise your potential for an equal amount of work. You may be out of your comfort zone, but it is smart to follow an opportunity when it is presented.