
5 Things Your Insurance Company May Use Against You After A Car Accident

5 Things Your Insurance Company May Use Against You After A Car Accident

One thing you need to keep in mind about insurance is that the insurance company only makes money when it does not pay out for coverage. This certainly includes car insurance. Car insurance companies have a good incentive to try and find excuses to penalize drivers who are in car accidents. Below are just a few of the things your car insurance company may try to use against you after a crash.

1. Not Collecting Evidence of the Scene

You need to keep in mind that an insurance claim can always be disputed. If you want to obtain the compensation you are owed for an accident, you must make an attempt to prove to the insurance company that the accident happened as you said it did. Directly after an accident, take photos of the vehicles and scene with your phone.

2. Not Collecting the Proper Documentation

Another thing you must do after an accident is collect and store all the proper documentation. This is especially the case for police reports and medical reports. According to The Pearce Law Firm, without such documentation, it will be pretty much impossible to prove to a court as well as the insurance company that your car accident and injuries happened the way you say they did.

3. Cashing Your Insurance Check Too Early

Just because you receive a check from your insurance company does not mean you should immediately cash it to get the funds. Signing the check and taking it to a bank to be cashed pretty much seals the deal legally in regards to accepting what you have been offered. If you want to seek more, don’t cash the check.

4. Admitting Fault

Even if you were at fault for the accident, it is probably not a good idea to admit as much to the insurance company. The insurance company may react by seriously reducing your claim. You may want to see an attorney first before making any statements to the insurance company. Certainly never admit or imply guilt.

5. Not Seeking Immediate Medical Treatment

You also have to keep in mind in regards to insurance coverage that you should seek medical treatment in a hospital immediately for any injury sustained in a car accident. Not doing so may give the impression to the insurance company that your injuries were very minor.

Overall, be smart about how you deal with your insurance company. Insurance is a money making industry. It does not always give the most importance to the wellbeing of policyholders.