
5 Things To Do If You’ve Won The Lottery

Have you ever heard someone say “oh if I won the lottery I would still keep my job”? Okay, sure, whatever you say. As if. I would quit my job, so fast it would make people’s heads spin. If you win the lottery and still keep your job, it cannot possibly be out of some sense of the fear of boredom. Any person who wins the lottery and still manages to be bored… There’s something severely dysfunctional about that person. And, if you feel you need a purpose in life, and that’s what your job offers you, take some of your winnings and donate them to a charity. There, now you have a purpose.

In fact, some people don’t want to wait for the monthly payments from a lottery winning – and that’s where companies that buy structured payments, from people and give them a lump sum can come in really handy. And, if you feel you still need to have a purpose in life you can always hand over a big fat chunk of that to your choice of a deserving charity. If you’d like to find a company that would do this you can find a repeatable company through your favorite search engine, by entering the words My Structured Settlements Cash. So once you have all that money, what are you doing with it?


This can mean investing your money in something as simple as an interest-bearing savings account all the way to investing in CDs or blue-chip stocks. The words ‘investing’ and ‘wisely’ are admittedly difficult to put together these days in light of the struggling economy but there are always investments out there that are far more of a sure thing than others. If necessary seek the assistance of a dependable financial consultant.


This is for those people that always say, “I’m my favorite charity”. Nothing says you have to run for philanthropist of the year of course, it just makes sense however, to do the humane thing and share a little bit of your newfound finances, with those more needy than yourself. You can set up monthly donations or donate a one time sum – it’s up to you.


Or improve your current living situation. The real estate market is still a buyer’s market in certain areas, so take that into consideration. If you do love your home however, but would like it to be a little fancier, a little more modern, a little more energy-efficient – there’s nothing wrong with doing major improvements upon the home in which you already live. You did after all buy that house for a reason, but that doesn’t mean it has to stay the way it is.


Provided of course they do not already depend on the charity you’re donating to. It’s not going to hurt to write a few checks, for those closest to you, that have been there for you, when you needed help in the past.


Just make sure that whatever you buy for yourself is going to be lasting and not so temporary, that it is gone in a matter of moments.

They say money can’t buy happiness. And, it’s not like I don’t understand what they’re saying when they say that, but let’s face it – happiness, as with beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. I could be mighty happy with $10 million, be it through monthly payments or one lump sum. Money may not buy happiness per se, but it sure could buy a whole lot of things that would make you happy one way or another.

Just make sure that whatever you buy, that’s going to make you happy, is going to be around for a while or at the very least – make you really, really happy for a long time. Otherwise you run the risk of frittering away the money and having nothing to show for it. And, that’s just dopey.