
5 Pre Wedding Skin Treatments

Your wedding day is one of the most important occasions in a person’s life and as the bride you want to look your absolute best. With all the planning behind you there’s still engagement parties, showers and the final touches to have a day to remember forever. And all this can be a little stressful and tiring but this fun whirlwind that might leave you needing some pampering before the big day. We’ve listed 5 of the best pre wedding treatments to help you look and feel radiant as the center of attention.

Laser Hair Removal – All eyes are on the bride and groom so having smooth legs and underarms in your wedding gown starts with some laser hair removal, a great way to boost your confidence.

PRP ( Vampire Facelift ) – This natural and very effective treatment uses your own platelet rich blood to rejuvenate the skin on your face, neck and other areas. Often called the vampire facelift the platelet  cells from a portion of your blood is rich in growth factors and stem cells that rejuvenate & remodel the skin as it naturally increases the elasticity and collagen production.Your glowing skin is replumped and fine lines and wrinkles are reduced.

Skin Peels – Laser clinics also offer other treatments for example skin peels address concerns from acne to fine lines/wrinkles, sun spots and more.Skin peels are a great option to renew your skin or give it a moisture boost and require several sessions. Be sure to book your appointment at a Laser Skin Care Clinic in Vancouver well in advance of your wedding day.

Microdermabrasion – Another treatment is microdermabrasion, a quick and painless way to rejuvenate your skin before your wedding day. This deep exfoliation uses a vacuum to disperse micro crystals on the surface of your skin that removes a layer of dead shedding skin cells. You are left with a layer of new, smoother skin that absolutely glows. A numbing cream is applied before treatment begins and any minor pain you might feel is quickly forgotten.

Laser Rejuvenation – Lasers are used for many treatments and can treat skin conditions such as fine lines/wrinkles, uneven skin tones, stretch marks , enlarged pores as well as others. Two lasers are used with varying strengths to simultaneously achieve surface and deep thermal heat. The laser targeting the surface layer to rejuvenate the skin while the other works on the deeper layer encourage collagen production and work in conjunction with one another. Little downtime, as little as 24 to 48 hours make this treatment that can be done at the last minute to have radiant skin on your special day.