5 Post Pregnancy Health Tips

Congratulations Mommy, you’re looking at a happy healthy baby. Now with all those months of dedication, you’re also looking in the mirror and saying it’s time to get active! If this is you, then perfect timing. Below, we’ll share a few tips that will get you in tip top shape in no time flat.
1.) HEALTHY DIET – Where to begin, right? It seemed like yesterday you were just craving the ice cream, sweets, and those other random food items. Well it’s time to get back to basics with regular, small meals. Preferably, to be spaced out over the course of your day.
You should plan out a low carb diet to begin with plenty of fruits and veggies. In fact, FitnessMagazine mentions you must get sufficient Iron and Vitamin C in order to help recoup what was lost during pregnancy. This fact is especially true for Moms recovering from C-sections. Also, be sure to include whole grain crackers, nuts, low-fat milk and cheese, and plain Greek yogurt to balance things out.
2.) GET ENOUGH EXERCISE – Maybe you’re still way too tired to get up and move around, and that’s ok for now. You might want to let the new diet start working in order to build up the energy you need.
You might start a routine by getting up and taking walks to get the mail and go around the block every time you do. This gives you a start for increasing distances over time. Then as you gain more energy, you can work your way up to the gym or even join a Zumba class.
3.) SWIMMING – Why swimming? It’s one of the healthiest activities for cardiovascular fitness and also exercises many different muscle groups of the body simultaneously. If you don’t have a pool at home, look up your nearest YMCA, or head to the beach if you live close to one.
4.) BREASTFEEDING – Did you know that breastfeeding naturally is healthy both for you and the baby? Yes according to HealthyChildren.org, studies show how feel-good hormones like Prolactin and Oxytocin help provide a sense of peace, love, and promotes relaxation.
5.) MEDITATION AND ENERGY WORK – Remember all that breathing you did during Lamaze classes? Well this is something that you should be continuing weekly, if not daily by performing meditation and breathing exercises. It would also be wise to take out some time and do a Reiki infinite healer review to work with energy chakras and meridians. This is a direct way to improve a sense of well-being holistically for mind, body, and soul.
When you combine the approaches above, you’ll be on the fast track to becoming a super Mommy