
5 Nutritious Fruits and Vegetables To Try This Fall Season

As a big advocate of resets and cleanses I often find they work best to kick start someone into a healthy diet or fitness routine. However, once the reset is over you need to make sure you have a healthy eating plan in place and introduce a nutritious diet with lots of lean proteins, fruits and vegetables into your diet. After the Ketopia 10 day reset these are five nutritious fruits and vegetables I recommend everyone adds as staples.

1. Blueberries

Blueberries are a refreshing summer snack that provides so many health benefits that the fruit has earned the label of “super food.” This natural source of goodness packs more antioxidants than any other fruit, which help the body combat cancer-causing free radicals and cell mutations, keeping both the heart and skin healthy. These sweet berries have less than 100 calories per cup, but supply at least one-fifth of the recommended daily intake of Vitamin C, which strengthens the body’s immune system. Each serving of blueberries also supplies roughly one-fifth of the recommended daily value of manganese, a mineral which helps the body’s bone formation and prevents fatigue. Some additional benefits are a reduction of the risk of developing Alzheimer’s, colon and ovarian cancers.

2. Bell Peppers

Bell peppers are another summer fruit that packs an antioxidant and vitamin punch. A one-cup serving of green bell peppers provides more than 100% of the suggested daily intake of Vitamin C, and a serving of red or yellow peppers provides more than twice that amount. Red bell peppers also provide a full day’s worth of Vitamin A, beneficial for good vision and cell growth. Since people only need a limited amount of Vitamin A daily, eating foods that are rich in this nutrient can eliminate the need to take a Vitamin A supplement. Orange peppers are a good source of lutein, another “eye vitamin” that can prevent diseases like macular degeneration. Any one of these colorful fruits will deliver a few grams of dietary fiber per serving, useful in promoting healthy digestion and weight regulation, as well as a generous dose of Vitamin B6, which is necessary for the body to create mood-boosting serotonin.

3. Peaches

Peaches are another sweet source of Vitamins A, C and lutein, and an optimal low-calorie choice if you’re looking to lose weight; one serving contains less than 70 calories. Peaches also boast a long list of minerals and nutrients, including heart-healthy potassium that reduces cholesterol and blood pressure.

4. Yellow Squash

This summer, reap the benefits of seasonal yellow squash. Roughly one-fourth of this vegetable’s almost-negligible calorie count (18 per one-cup serving) comes from dietary fiber. Summer squashes (which also include pattypan and zucchini) have antioxidants that can reduce inflammation and arthritis pain, and the beta-carotene found in these oblong gems can prevent cholesterol buildup and protect the body from cancer-causing pollutants. Like peppers and peaches, yellow squash is a good source of Vitamin C, and its high content of the mineral magnesium may reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke.

5. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are easy to incorporate into summer meals and a simple way to increase your supply of daily nutrients. Men should be aware that adding tomatoes to their diet can significantly decrease their risk of prostate cancer. For men and women alike, regular servings of tomatoes can reduce the risks of stomach and lung cancer and protect the body from free radicals.